It is possibly one of the best 'amusement/seaside' style parks in the world, but combine amusement parks and theme parks, I doubt it should have been that high up, but for amusement parks, it has my favourite dark ride in the country (and DLP), which is also my favourite water ride, my favourite flat ride (sky force) and it has the biggest collection of wooden coasters in the world, with three of them having great airtime, two of my favourite coasters (revolution and Nash) and has so many rides which are just fun, without being so thrilling you can't talk and laugh on them (like steeplechase, Avalanche, mouse and more) while I do prefer Alton towers, that is mainly because of the smiler, nemesis and oblivion, all the other coasters I rate lower than the majority at Blackpool, and Alton has a better setting and atmosphere. I prefer it to Thorpe (controversial I know

) but the ride selection is great and has more re ride ability than anywhere in the UK. I would put it in the top 30 parks in the world possibly though, with Alton around 25. For n amusement park some of the theming puts this country's theme parks to shame, look since 2000, Valhalla, an amazingly themed dark ride, infusion, not exactly well themed but probably one of the better themes slc's, I'm probably missing something out between 2000 and 2008 but I can't remember. If we look at the last few investments since 2011, Nick land, possibly the best themed children's area, Wallace and gromit, a great dark ride and even sky force is quite well themed compared to other flats across the country, only chessingtons flats, and a few random flats like ripsaw are better themed in my opinion, so yes it has turned around in the last few years, and hopeful project 2017 can be that coaster the park needs to get itself back to the best it was before. I don't believe it is the 6th best park in the world, but well done to them and fair play.