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Blackpool Pleasure Beach: General Discussion

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I do wish they'd spend a bit of money on sprucing up the interior, there's a few things they could that could really make it a world class attraction.
New animatronics, they're 16 years old and the tech has come a long way!

The final lift hill has black sheets hung up to stop you seeing the rest of the "warehouse", and they do a poor job of it as they're mainly see through.

The sound system needs completely changing in my opinion. You can quite clearly hear that there are large speakers hung up by the roof blasting out the music - this should be changed for smaller speakers that follow the route of the ride, keeping it immersed and removing the echo.

IMO, it has the potential to be a world class ride, but it's actually let down by basic things.
You actually get a LOT less wet in the 6 seater boats.... well I did last year anyway, I sat in the middle and came off practically dry, so ended up going on it a few times that day.

Then on my next visit I was in an 8 seater and got absolutely soaked... maybe it's a coincidence I dunno...
i must have been in a six seater boat, as i sat in the back but didn't get that wet!
the backwards drop is tiny, though)
strange, considering that the layout is huge!
Trouble is with Valhalla, it's such a demanding ride (in terms of the money, resources and maintenance ploughed into it), and it's extremely unreliable. Unfortunate that such a fantastic ride is plagued with so many issues.

It'll make for horrible queues in the summer if all the boats are six seaters.
I must admit, I much prefer the six-seater boats they've been using recently.

Firstly, they do appear to reduce how wet you get - which is a bonus in my eyes. Also, they have a kind of metal mesh floor fitted, so you no longer have to stick your feet in two inches of water. And lastly, as a taller person, I no longer continually bash my knees every time it turns a corner as there is so much legroom!
Today has seen not one but two coasters stall at BPB!

Big One stuck in the tunnel (Photo credit: Theme Park Worldwide.)


Grand Nash stuck just before the station (Photo Credit: M. Branford)

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