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Blackpool Pleasure Beach: General Discussion

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DVH sums up their work: everything is ambitious and rubbish with the rare example of it being right. Saying that, DVH is epic right up until it goes outside
National's station wasn't too bad at the weekend. Dispatch times were reasonable (for National) and it only stopped 3 or 4 times before the airgates opened compared to about 10 times last season :)
But proper brakes and double lock restraints to eliminate seat belts would massively speed up dispatch still
Reducing the time between offload and onload, or removing seatbelts, would not increase throughput on 4 trains, as current procedure is to wait for the other trains to get back and fully unload. There's more than enough time to check all restraints by then, so you end up sat there waiting to go for ages.

Having the trains stop in the right place first time at offload would help a bit, but ideally they need to be able to send trains earlier than they're currently allowed to.
At the weekend we were told to hold onto our bags on Revolution instead of leaving them on the platform. I can't help but see this as a bit of a hazard, has this happened to anyone else?
At the weekend we were told to hold onto our bags on Revolution instead of leaving them on the platform. I can't help but see this as a bit of a hazard, has this happened to anyone else?

So long as they are not too large then it's not really a problem, Disney enforce a bag on ride policy. Having said that I don't understand why, on a coaster that can only run one train, they don't allow you to just leave any bags on the platform.

So long as they are not too large then it's not really a problem, Disney enforce a bag on ride policy. Having said that I don't understand why, on a coaster that can only run one train, they don't allow you to just leave any bags on the platform.


They said the wind would blow them onto the track o_O

I'd think that would be highly unlikely. It was quite a large bag to be fair, definitely wouldn't expect to be taking it on a high speed inverting rollercoaster!
An enclosed platform for Rev is needed really.

As for National they should dispatch so that the trains are halfway up the lift before the others hit offload, allowing time to E=stop if required
Ain't easy to get the trains going again once stopped on the lift though.
Often used to see two dead trains on the lift when the Nash was closed for the day.
Okay, maybe not fully enclosed but a roof possible and some proper bag cages
While this is true, I'm pretty sure that structure would survive a 20MT thermonuclear blast and, at worst, just need a repaint.


Last thing standing?
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the water rides (especially Valhalla) need bag storage as well; they get wet otherwise.
Water rides don't tend to have bag storage. Don't think I've ever been on a water ride where I haven't had to take my bag on, and I've been on a decent amount.
I think the issue with water rides is they often have high throughout with a large amount of boats/cars/etc. So having a big cage would be a nightmare to look after and probably find you stuff.

Imagine if the Rapids had a cage with the amount of boats it can run at towers. It would take up the whole station!
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