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Blackpool Pleasure Beach: General Discussion

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I've managed to get the first one showing (for me at least) however as there is no link to the source for the second photo I cannot do the same!

If you can't get it to post still then just link to the photo instead.

just to screw with your head.
Both showed on tapatalk, only the big one photo shows on firefox.
^ Yeah I thought that Sunday when I saw the MUD.

Was an awful day Sunday, definitely not doing the opening weekend at BPB ever again. Wild Mouse, Valhalla, Flying Machines and Big One closed all day. Grand National on and off all day, stalling many many times. They've replaced a lot of the brakes, so this is like f*&^ up version 2 for Nash. One thing that has improved is that the trains don't stop and start 17 times trying to align at the airgates. Only does it 3 times now. Still does it like 4 times when stopping to unload, and now stalls regularly when coming up to the station. Success ey?

Revolution was also down for most of Sunday and Dipper had 2 evacuations on Saturday. Would have made Thorpe very proud.

Also, the likes Avalanche, Dipper and Infusion were all on one train... they shouldn't open this early in the year really. Firstly the rides obviously can't cope with the cold, secondly, they can spend more time of sprucing the place up. They've just been closed for a few months and everything still looks so dirty and rotten. The only improvement is the refurbed horses on Steeplechase, they look fantastic and brand new!
I loved my mid feb first fix as well thank you.
Lovely time, short queues, nice to see the same old faces...always expect half the rides to be closed, still got half a dozen coaster rides in.
Sounds like Shock Therapy might be their only good improvement.

KumbaK are responsible for the farce that is the brakes on National. Ruins throughput as well :/
what is "KumbaK", may i ask?
Essentially, Vekoma got themselves into a bit of trouble with the three DejaVu rides that they sold to Six Flags, alongside the Flying Dutchmans (X Flight and Batwing). Six Flags got a bit awkward and withheld some payments, causing a cashflow problem.

Dutch law is quite strict when it comes to bankruptcy - so they had to file. When they did, a group of their engineers realised their dreams of creating their own company - Kumbak was born. They got the contract to build Vliegende Hollander and it was a disaster - yet it matured into a great ride. It opened a year late and only after input from WGH and Intamin.

They have made trains for various Vekoma rides and they have made questionable rolling stock and control systems for other rides too.
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