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Blackpool Pleasure Beach: General Discussion

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To be fair, Valhalla runs a maximum of 12 boats, so that's no more than 96 people - equivalent to a standard 3 train B&M. Security would be more of an issue, as there's constantly small groups of people going past who could take anything. There'd certainly be enough space though, the station is pretty big.

I can think of a few water rides that don't allow bags to be taken on - all 3 of Hansa Park's for example and Fuga da Atlantide at Gardaland, which bizarrely requires riders to leave bags on the floor before joining the queue.
Lockers at the entrance to the ride would be nice (Unless I haven't looked and not seen them)
There are lockers not too far away, but not specific to the ride. I've never really understood the whole taking a bag thing to a theme park, really. It just feels like a massive inconvenience. I understand enthusiasts feel compelled to take a camera with them in case there is a new fence to take a photo of, but it's really lost on me.

Keys. Wallet. Phone.
The best system I've seen for water rides regarding bags is at one of the US parks where they have compartments in the middle of their rapids rides where you can store your items and zip it up so they don't get wet.

Something like that on all water rides would be much appreciated as it would keep items dry and wouldn't affect throughout (providing people don't leave their items in the compartments).
There are lockers not too far away, but not specific to the ride. I've never really understood the whole taking a bag thing to a theme park, really. It just feels like a massive inconvenience. I understand enthusiasts feel compelled to take a camera with them in case there is a new fence to take a photo of, but it's really lost on me.

Keys. Wallet. Phone.

Not always the case, most of the time bags are useful for storing water bottles, glasses, ponchos/coats and many other objects that can be considered important...

Besides, most female enthusiasts can't put their ridiculously sized purses in their pocket...
Not always the case, most of the time bags are useful for storing water bottles, glasses, ponchos/coats and many other objects that can be considered important...

Besides, most female enthusiasts can't put their ridiculously sized purses in their pocket...
My keys, wallet, phone comment was relating to Lancashire, as we were talking about the Pleasure Beach.

I think it's a generational thing, perhaps part of wider society, even. My wider point is that if I am without kids in tow, I typically carry my phone or my debit card, so I can spend and my car key. I keep my glasses on my face.

If people want to inconvenience themselves by carrying around a purse so that your Boots Advantage card is never far away, that's exactly what you're doing - inconveniencing yourself.
I always take a bag to theme parks, I really don't see how it's inconveniencing myself. It just stays on my back or in a holder on a ride platform o_O

You must br really lazy if an extra 2 seconds putting the bag down and collecting it classes as an inconvenience :p
The only thing i found with combat/cargo are i can not fit my lunch in the pockets
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The best system I've seen for water rides regarding bags is at one of the US parks where they have compartments in the middle of their rapids rides where you can store your items and zip it up so they don't get wet.

Something like that on all water rides would be much appreciated as it would keep items dry and wouldn't affect throughout (providing people don't leave their items in the compartments).

Disney have removed the compartment in the middle of their rapids and replaced it with lockers outside the ride, free for the estimated queue length plus a bit. People assumed the centre compartment was 100% watertight, then complained when the lid wasn't quite shut properly and a little bit of water got in, ruining their phone. Easier to make people take their own responsibility and either allow their bag to get wet or leave it off-ride.
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