My final thoughts on Icon:
I got the chance to ride today, think it was 10 rides. I loved it every bit as much as last week, although being lashed in the face with rain wasn't the best!
Front row is my personal favourite, back is excellent also, middle is still great, there really isn't a bad seat on the ride. I was surpsised how much more airtime the front row offered on the first hill compared to the row behind it (which still has quite a lot!).
I will agree that the ride gets better and better throughout the day, it was absolutely storming round in the last hour and the airtime in the second half of the ride became much more powerful.
For an opening day there was very little downtime, 10 minutes tops. The ride queue never exceeded 15 minutes and most of the day was 5 minutes. In the last hour the queue wasn't even outside the building. Obviously the rain helped but the operations were fantastic; 35 second dispatches sometimes! The queue moves very quickly and the ride was only running 2 trains, I look forward to seeing the amount of people they can shift on a 3 train operation
My one gripe was that I sat on the back row 4 times but only got a back row ride once due to being kicked off to allow (how shall I put this...) a larger person to be seated. I just think it's unfortunate that it has to be the back row that has this feature as it's a row that people love to try to get. (Back row whip is real throughout the ride by the way!)
Overall, you guessed it..... it is by far my favourite coaster in the UK! Is it perfect? Of course not, very few rides are, but it's bloody good and I'm not sure why some people think it is slow or boring because it is none of those things if you let it warm up. I find it fascinating how this ride seems to have divided enthusiasts straight down the middle. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion of course, I'm a big fan though!