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Cedar Point: General Discussion

Jesus Christ, this makes BPB and Merlin all look like competent professionals. Sucks to have this ride closed after all the hype around it but on the positive side, it will surely mean that Zamperla's reputation will be so utterly in tatters worse than before that no theme park owner will want to deal with Zamperla (at best just their coasters) the more Ceder Point keep bashing Zamperla which means that Merlin are likely not going to use them for Project Horizon. Though in truth it is Ceder Point's fault for getting in bed for Zamperla knowing that companies faults and have no one to blame but themselves.

So yes, the moral of the story is that when it comes to food, football, culture, sexy woman and fast cars, the Italians are excellent at all that but when it comes to making rides as we've seen with Pinfari and now their bastard offspring Zamperla...run for your life!
As much as everyone is criticising Zamperla and saying “we all knew this would happen”, I think they can’t be blamed for the scale of the ride, and if you look around the world, other rides of this height and/or speed have not exactly been plain sailing.

Formula Rossa, the world’s fastest coaster, is currently closed and has been for many months. Kingda Ka, the remaining unmodified Intamin strata coaster, had an extended bout of downtime just last year. The original Top Thrill Dragster was not exactly known for its reliability. Do-Dodonpa was permanently removed recently after a life that wasn’t exactly problem-free. Ring Racer at the Nurburgring was repeatedly delayed for years while they tampered with the speed, operated for 4 days when it did open and then never operated again… the list goes on.

My point is that these 100+mph launch coasters are often unreliable, complex beasts regardless of manufacturer. We don’t know that what happened is necessarily entirely attributable to Zamperla or whether it’s simply a biproduct of the coaster’s sheer size and speed and the increased complexities that come with that. Zamperla have successfully pulled off thrill coaster projects before without issue, seemingly including the Intamin LSM conversion in Vancouver.
Most of them managed to operate for more than 2 weeks though. Ring Racer is the only one that's been a total failure and currently TT2 hasn't really fared much better.
While I do agree zamperla have messed up majorly here, I can’t help but laugh at cedar point / cedar fair hating literally most manufactures such as intamin, RMC & now zamperla.

I guess we may be seeing more Mack/GG/GCI/CCI/premier coasters in the future

It is a shame really but they really need to work with intamin again, especially if they want innovative rides rather than more formulaic B&M’s
While I do agree zamperla have messed up majorly here, I can’t help but laugh at cedar point / cedar fair hating literally most manufactures such as intamin, RMC & now zamperla.

I guess we may be seeing more Mack/GG/GCI/CCI/premier coasters in the future

It is a shame really but they really need to work with intamin again, especially if they want innovative rides rather than more formulaic B&M’s
Be interesting to see what happens post merger with all these apparent issues Cedar Fair has with some manufacturers.

Two legacy Six Flags parks are opening Intamin coasters next year.

And the combined chain now operate an lot of RMC coasters.
Be interesting to see what happens post merger with all these apparent issues Cedar Fair has with some manufacturers.

Two legacy Six Flags parks are opening Intamin coasters next year.

And the combined chain now operate a lot of RMC coasters.
I think TT2 has hopefully taught CP that they need to drop their pride and reconcile their relationships with these manufacturers. I think given CP’s status as the roller coaster capital of the world, they need innovative rides, and I doubt B&M is the answer to that
I think TT2 has hopefully taught CP that they need to drop their pride and reconcile their relationships with these manufacturers. I think given CP’s status as the roller coaster capital of the world, they need innovative rides, and I doubt B&M is the answer to that
I'm thinking that the new management for the merged Six Flags and Cedar Fair may mean that we may see more Intamins, B&Ms and potentially RMCs in the future at the Cedar Fair parks? 🤔
Not sure if this is the best thread to ask this question..

I am looking at doing a few cedar fair parks next year and looking at getting a multi park annual pass. Upon checkout it requires you to put in a ZIP code. Ha anyone from the uk purchased any annual passes from Cedar fair parks? and if so how to you get around this issue?
Not sure if this is the best thread to ask this question..

I am looking at doing a few cedar fair parks next year and looking at getting a multi park annual pass. Upon checkout it requires you to put in a ZIP code. Ha anyone from the uk purchased any annual passes from Cedar fair parks? and if so how to you get around this issue?
I had an annual pass for CP and KI this year, I put my UK post code in for ZIP code and it accepted it.
Not sure if this is the best thread to ask this question..

I am looking at doing a few cedar fair parks next year and looking at getting a multi park annual pass. Upon checkout it requires you to put in a ZIP code. Ha anyone from the uk purchased any annual passes from Cedar fair parks? and if so how to you get around this issue?
If I recall we entered our correct details on all the pages, but when we got to the card details page it asked for a zip code and we just entered a random one. It didn't matter what we entered, the card payment went through ok