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Cedar Point: General Discussion

Before everyone starts asking, we don't need to know how it got there. Sometimes theme parks have camels running around them. These things happen. Every time there's a camel running around a theme park people want an explanation, but Cedar Point aren't under any obligation to give us one. They will deal with it in the same way that every other theme park does. That's all we need to know.
This is a wonderfully wacky thing to happen, just fantastic. Hoping the camel wasn't hurt, and the people too, I suppose.
Before everyone starts asking, we don't need to know how it got there. Sometimes theme parks have camels running around them. These things happen. Every time there's a camel running around a theme park people want an explanation, but Cedar Point aren't under any obligation to give us one. They will deal with it in the same way that every other theme park does. That's all we need to know.
Have they put out a statement blaming the camel’s manufacturer? All blame must be palmed off!