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Chessington World of Adventures Resort

Chessington have used their money wisely. Thorpe want one coaster. Therein lies the problem. Pressure from enthusiasts doesn't help too... We want, We want!

You just know Alton Curse will be pillared, that SW9 no matter how good will be criticised and that Exodus is already slated before a support is in the ground.

Chessington and Legoland embrace what they have and spend money on presentation and theming. That's why they are theme parks. Thorpe might as well be a US car park coaster venue. Towers has awesome gardens but the rest is concrete path hell
Miss Bubbleworks Wash house is both an Easter Egg to old rides and also part of the actor led trail with missing washing hanging on a line between the wash house and Seastorm which is part of the mystery Copnapper mystery! IMG-20220629-WA0033.jpegIMG-20220629-WA0035.jpeg
What a strange way to pay homage to one if the pasts best indoor rides that graced our theme parks. Even the nod to the Professor himself on the now removed Carousel was just right.

Although it is odd though, because when I first rode Bubbleworks in 2000, I’ll always remember a sign as you went in which said “You WILL get wet on this ride!”. At the time, I had no idea about what I was to experience, and my initial thoughts were it must be to do with washing clothes etc, and not fizzy pop!
A little odd that they aren’t also painting the track. Will make it look even grubbier now it sits alongside the newly painted supports.
Ti's a shame that they aren't doing the track up, but I think it's probably because the entire area outside the queue and maintenance building is being redone, with some words going around of extra teeming being added to the queue. So, short term, don't have the money and time to.

Dragons Fury is getting A LOT of TLC this year.

From: https://twitter.com/ChessingtonBuzz/status/1629478468743311361?t=VewcGdDrZpEfTlfhS4D7tw&s=19
Another tweet, this being the Skyway Station repaint now complete! And... its... its... its good! I don't believe it!! It's actually, physically, GOOD!

From: https://twitter.com/ChessingtonBuzz/status/1629470248884682752?t=12Ecd6eW5X9Ll9re9yuLmQ&s=19

Certainly looks the best it has in years. No matter what angle you look at that building from, you’ll always know it was the Skyway station and that it was once there.
A little odd that they aren’t also painting the track. Will make it look even grubbier now it sits alongside the newly painted supports.
I think it’ll be done next winter.
Double post sorry, but for anyone worried that Dragons Fury Supports were going to stay grey:

From: https://twitter.com/zachariahassler/status/1629766256940163074?t=V86VSeiFjVdrjaq9HEWxXQ&s=19

A little odd that they aren’t also painting the track. Will make it look even grubbier now it sits alongside the newly painted supports.

I'm just glad that we won't see the colour black applied here. A nice changed compared to the rest of the Merlin parks.
Certainly looks the best it has in years. No matter what angle you look at that building from, you’ll always know it was the Skyway station and that it was once there.

I think it’ll be done next winter.
Definitely a straight up improvement from how it previously looked. Whoever worked on this TLC project, I'd love to see what they'd do to Towers Street. That was ruined back in 2017/2018 (whichever year). Either repaint it back to its previous look, or give it the same treatment that was given to The Skyway building, excluding the Ivy of course.

Chessington TLC team is fantastic for the most part, unlike Altons, which is very hit or miss (Rehydrator repaint back to its original look being a hit, and Towers Street repaint being a miss). Enough with the cartoon looking buildings from balamory, and more of things like The Skyways building!
This year looks like it could be a good one generally, so as well as checking out Jumanji, I’m interested to see the improvements made across the park.

The consultation is now open!

I’ve only just properly come across this tonight although I probably did hear about it in November and didn’t look at it. The plans and idea look good in general and could work well. It could compliment the resort well.
Are Merlin making this and Lego there prime parks? Could it be the target audience suits the owners better than Alton and Thorpe?
I am glad Merlin giving Chessie the attention it deserves as compared to the latter half of the Tussauds era in which they gave all the attention to Thorpe and did Chessie dirty during those times. Is it all perfect? No but a damn sight better from what Tussauds did in the 2000's.
Are Merlin making this and Lego there prime parks? Could it be the target audience suits the owners better than Alton and Thorpe?
I don't think so. Quite a lot of investment is being put into Towers (Nemesis retrack, TCaAM and Project Horizon) as well as Thorpe (Ghost Train and Project Exodus).