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Chessington World of Adventures Resort

Am I the only one who likes some of that fencing? Yes the height is a bit ridiculous and heavily reminds me of TH13TEEN's indoor queue but the colour is spot on for the ride and does suit in and solve the problem? Not much to complain about but it does look a bit off. Props to Chessie for sorting it out right at peak season for peace of mind.

Also reminds me of Gloomy Wood when if it wasn't haunted if that makes sense! I wouldn't be surprised if these fences were vandalized soon with ugly/hate messages with those damn marker pens however small the fencing. From a distance they look terrible and spoil the view, but at least the fiasco is solved and we can leave it all behind now. Right?
Jared said:
Can I just say, the fences are not finished and will be themes this coming off season.
You can, but Rowe's already said it twice. Besides, I'll be more inclined to believe it when I see it.
Dunno how you could theme a metal fence though really... Unless more scaffolding? (Which would suit the ride in a way)

Besides, they have Jumbos to retheme first don't they?
Islander said:
Jared said:
Can I just say, the fences are not finished and will be themes this coming off season.
You can, but Rowe's already said it twice. Besides, I'll be more inclined to believe it when I see it.

I do agree Islander although I'm sure Chessington will do a good job with sorting out the fences - even though they look out of touch with the whole Tomb Blaster area.
Can't believe we're arguing about a fence. ::)

The main thing is we can all enjoy the ride, now :)

I am sure they will change them as their main priority was to get people back on the ride to keep customer satisfaction up - which they've managed.
I think the priority here is getting the ride opened quickly again, rather than commissioning Studios to produce some amazing themed fencing (which they would probably have charged more than Chessie's entire operational budget for :p).

Obviously it's imperative for them to sort out making this look pretty again over the coming closed season, but given their recent aesthetic triumphs (Dragon Fall's 'wall' at the top and the Flying Jumbos retheme to name a few...) I fear we may be stuck with this for good.
Was told today that the fences will NOT be touched/themed/tarted up over winter... They are deemed acceptable to the park in their current guise (which to be fair, they aren't as bad as they could be)...

The park could do with sorted out a fair few things, letting 15 exit riders and 6 odd fastrackers onto Kobra is not great... Tomb's redo was over-rated, Rameses is getting the same fences as Tomb and Jumbos actually looks stupid (even to a first timer)...

No one mentioned Bubbles exterior having new music... It fits, but jesus it's annoying... I'd kill after a few hours of standing on Bubbles' batch gate...
Not surprised either, though would be interested to know how others were so certain that it would be done...
Islander said:
Not surprised either, though would be interested to know how others were so certain that it would be done...

Probs depends on their 'sources'... Or maybe Chessie changed their mind... They do that on a regular basis, especially regarding Health and Safety situations (see Vampire exit stairs, Buccaneer platform gates and god knows what else)...
Photos posted by ThemeUK of construction.

A couple of the best.





Dave said:
It's Merlin they quite happily let the old rides rot

To be fair to Merlin, most of Chessie's rides were rotting for a few years before they turned up...

Considering Chessie barely get any budget in the first place, is it a surprise they can't fix up stuff? Most of the management seem to know what the major issues are, but it's a case of being unable to do them (or in the case of say Jumbos, being offered to repaint them long before any plans were made to move them)...

Yay rocks! And yay for using that mass of unused land behind the park for sommat!
That looks very impressive, thank you for the pictures. I don't know why but I see Chessington as trying to challenge West Midlands Safari Park in the future rather than being an out and out theme park.
Photos from ThemeUK, rehosted:

"A quick trip to Chessington today sees the progress on Zufari moving along, since the last update the structure of the main building is now complete, with a new structure starting on the west site behind the Bird Gardens."













Starting to get a proper idea about the size of this thing. :)
I went a couple of weekends ago and it is a huge area. I am pretty sure that they would need to get the animals into the enclousures soon. I remeber visiting Longleat when they had just had an arrival of some Cheetas. They were not alowed into the actual enclousure and had to be kept in Quarintine for 6 months. I hope this is not the case with Chessington unless they are aquiring animals from another zoo or park prehaps?
The Animals all arrive at the park in the first two weeks of October with the plan to release them into the enclosure in November / December time with the trucks running round to get the animals used to the trucks.

All the animals are sourced from within Europe and therefore there is no Quarantine period required.
A planning application has been submitted for a Hotel Extension.

Royal Kingston Planning Site

I'm not entirely sure but I think it is being built over the proposed Monkey Project which would explain why it was suddenly dropped. As you can see from this document it seems like at least part of that project will be incorporated into the hotel expansion.


This has restored a bit of faith into the park for me because it shows that the previous applications where changed for good reason and not lack of planning.
Woah, woah, woah, this is going into the park?

That's... Weird... Not sure if I like this idea much anymore, as I've always liked the Monkey and Bird Garden overall and I was hoping that they would at least attempt to revisit the original revamp plan...

Hmm... Not too sold on this anymore...