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Chessington World of Adventures Resort

Good point, in fact if this fire had been a little more major then it could have been disastrous for the park. I've been worried for a while that if Chessington lose Vampire it'll be very difficult for them to recover.
Hang on a minute...I kinda think I know the suspects from something I did sometime ago...

QTXAdsy said:
No I haven't forgotten this topic just yet, I've just been very busy of late. This also is a new comic book format that saves me from typing it all out. :p So now our Martian friends move from Brighton...to Chessington!

The tour goes on, next time, the Martians encounter chavs, money grabbing Londoners and really bad rides...at Thorpe Park! :D

...yeah, then Chessie got caught in the crossfire afterwards. :p
Well looking at this photo on the Skynews website the cafe is pretty much gone!


If that building backs on to Bubble Works then there must be some kind of damage, the fire looks pretty major, which I imagine would spread to buildings near by, even if it just damages the roof. If there is damage I can imagine that bubble works will be closed during 2014 for refurbishment. However that might be good news for us all, that could mean a brand new (better) bubbleworks for 2014/2015.
Well this fire is quite symbolically rubbish isn't it? Chessington seem desperate to cling on to their old hardware but for each step forward there's a massive mistake/misfortune. It can't really get any worse than there being a major fire in their most-loved area.


Well now the Creaky Café turned out to be pointless... It's very sad how the bright idea of turning an unpopular food outlet into a cozy, quirky 'cottage' has been made totally redundant so quickly.

However I'm more concerned about BubbleWorks. According to some photos, it seems the facades that conceal the fountain showroom have been partially destroyed. If the fire did get as far as the plant room then it must have been big, although thankfully the warehouse wall seems to have survived (according to the picture djtruefitt posted).

Perfect excuse to shut the ride for a whole year, stop making excuses for its horrible state and actually come up with a plan for its future. :twirly:
There's not going to be much left open at all if they do that. I'd say shut the whole park for a year and sort it out.
My guess is that Bubbleworks will be closed until around April, May sort of time after being redeveloped. It was rumoured to gain the refurbishment anyway. As for Creaky Café I'd say we have seen the end of it until 2015 or maybe forever.
So, Merlin's underinvestment literally caused this fire. Time after time in their restaurants and food outlets, they refuse to install central heating and taking the cheap option of using portable electric heaters. It has now come back to bite them on the arse. No sympathy.
Using outdoor heaters and turning something into an indoor attraction is literally the height of stupidity.

Surprised they didn't already see this coming, everyone else bloody did looking at trip reports.
Surely their health and safety officer would of seen the danger of using outdoor heaters indoors.
^ Yep. I read reviews of the Festive Zoo Days and how hot it was inside the grotto. This is certainly going to be interesting to investigate, possibly someone is to blame?
Shame they didn't get proper heaters. The Creaky Café was actually a nice place it sit and eat. It was one of the good food installations Merlin have made. I hope the insurance will still come in.
BenBowser said:
Shame they didn't get proper heaters. The Creaky Café was actually a nice place it sit and eat. It was one of the good food installations Merlin have made. I hope the insurance will still come in.

If they sniff an opportunity not to pay out, I bet they will try and avoid. Guess it depends on how comprehensive their cover is, we all know how loose with the purse strings Merlin are.
Considering there have been previous fires at Merlin parks I'm sure the insurance will be pretty good as they will know how valuable it is from past experience.

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