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Chessington World of Adventures Resort

Jonathan said:
If I do go, I'll just prepare myself for maximum disappointment.

I'd go and attempt to experience the bits left that made these members so passionate in the first place.

There are still bits of it there, quite a bit in fact. It isn't suddenly a bare park - significant parts have been removed, significant parts remain. It will certainly be weird with such obvious parts missing, but I'd go to enjoy the great bits there are, and imagine the incredible bits that have gone if that makes sense.

If they'd removed Vampire I may feel differently. They haven't though, and I think I'd visit the park if it only actually had that ride. Rattlesnake is rather superb for a little wild mouse coaster also. Doesn't feel like one somehow. Feels more bespoke even though it isn't lol! Another example of taking something ordinary (much like their flume ride) and making it very special.

Chessington took ordinary things, and made them spectacular. I think you will still really love the place.
What we need is Merlin to make a statement to reassure us that they will be putting it back. When Valhalla was refurbed last year, no one was in any doubt that the rock work was going to be replaced.
Unfortunately Chessington are saying nothing, which is why we are all panicing here. Surely if they were planning to replace the theming, they would be boasting about it? Instead it seems they are trying to keep this all quiet and hope we don't notice.
DiogoJ42 said:
What we need is Merlin to make a statement to reassure us that they will be putting it back. When Valhalla was refurbed last year, no one was in any doubt that the rock work was going to be replaced.
Unfortunately Chessington are saying nothing, which is why we are all panicing here. Surely if they were planning to replace the theming, they would be boasting about it? Instead it seems they are trying to keep this all quiet and hope we don't notice.

There was a quote about it not being up to suitable Merlin standards. I've made light of what that may mean of course. It was not exactly conclusive though, this is without doubt some of the highest quality theme we have had in the UK. It is most deserving of full refurbishment, and despite all the discussions as to "do the GP appreciate etc" it is fair to say, that Chessington has in itself created enthusiasts by the nature of its quite stunning efforts.

We aren't talking Oblivion back story etc here, we are discussing art that mimics things that still exist today. There is no reason not to restore it to its former glory and then shout from the rooftops about how brilliantly themed and magical this park is - and justifiably so.

This is an opportunity right now, for Merlin to show they really mean some serious business.

Will they take that option, or the cheap one? That's the question.

This doesn't need reinvention, in needs support and development on top of things that were already probably about as good as you are going to get in the UK.
I'm currently holding my tongue on comments regarding Dragon Falls' theming removal because, despite all the rumours we've been hearing recently, it is too early to make a non-bias opinion on the matter.

I disagree with the motions that Merlin are to blame for these removals and the general finger pointing at Merlin. It was not their decision to suddenly tear down the theming; they merely hold the purse strings for investments and whilst they do tend to have final says in projects, I honestly doubt they'd be the ones ordering the removals. With that in mind, that does not mean to say that whoever is in charge of the operation is to be instantly blamed either.

Yes, Dragon Falls is a completely different creature to what we have seen and experienced in the past in comparison to now and, yes, it is truly saddening (it's been re-iterated many times) but jumping to immediate conclusions with no source that the theming won't return and Chessington is going downhill is really... Well, saddening too. If there is new theming which turns out to be second rate to the original facades then yes, you'd have a point with the cynicism and you'd have a point in criticising the decision made by whoever is in charge of the operation.

But until the motions of construction or an official word by the park is made prominent, I struggle to join in with the divided discussion much in the same way I refuse to give an opinion on Zufari when I've not yet experienced it.

As for anybody doubting to visit this year because of the operation, honestly just go. There is still a lot to see and do within the Resort.
Jonathan said:
I was planning on visiting Chessie for the first time this season, but now? I really don't think I'll even bother. :(

This is the danger for me. If people decide not to visit in general this season and guest numbers do not remain steady or increase then there is a real risk the park will get budget cuts and they won't be allowed to rebuild the rockwork or theming.
Not having the rocks, or the immersion around there, will do real damage to peoples perceptions of the park and their enjoyment - whether they notice it or not. It was the difference between a good park, and flamingoland.

I really wish they would just keep the area/ride closed whilst they did the rockwork. Though, i understand it'd be a difficult one with falls presumably being one of the highest throughput rides (mack logflumes get around a thousand an hour).

Runaway is a confusion though, why you'd want to open that when you've got zufari to offset the throughputs and it'll look absolutely awful in the meantime.. Definitely rather that remained closed until completed.

EDIT: Ace video. Never realised the elephant moved like that before, nor that the 5th Dimension building was always noticable from the top (so, merlin have tried to improve up there before with that fake drawing stuff!)
I have to say - I do wish they still had the water falling in the dragon tunnel. It was great!

The first time I ever went on that ride (probably 1990) it didn't stop falling; got absolutely soaked!
I have read everyone's comments, and it is clear that Chessington was still hanging onto some of the early years charm that made the place feel special - until now! I went to Chessie when I was probably about 10 years old and even now I remember how the place looked - it was all very exciting and had a great atmosphere. ;D

One thing I will say is that we might have got very carried away assuming that they will not replace the themeing, or replace it with something half-baked. Has anyone been in touch with the park to see what is going on?
BigAl said:
All of the original theming can be seen in this old on-ride POV of Dragon River which was filmed in 1988:


It looked so beautiful! :/


That does look amazing.

I assumed that Chessington were going to take the theming down this year, have Falls open then next closed season the rock work returns? Unless I am very much mistaken. I find it sad that some people on here are saying they won't bother visiting Chessington, despite the fact that the theming is gone on Falls, of course it is your choice at the end of the day.

As for your question aru, I believe Jared has tried contacting Chessington, not too sure if he has received a response yet.
TheMan said:
However, to suggest that taking one of the most highly regarded sites on the planet, and place of huge meaning to many, and suggesting it cannot mean high art to some is just wrong. Of course it can, what is more, it darn well should do given the subject matter!! To not, would show a MASSIVE amount of disrespect!
So you're a pseudo-Buddhist as well now?

The reason Angkor Wat is referenced (actually those stone heads are from the nearby Bayon Temple), as well as the Kamakura Buddha, Merlion fountain and others, is because the ride was sponsored by Singapore Airlines. The idea was that you would travel around all the famous destinations that Singapore Airlines had flight routes to. This was not the ride that John Wardley wanted to build, he planned to create a tour around Ancient Egypt instead.

So Dragon River was essentially one big advert for holidays in South-East Asia. That's hardly "meaningful", "high-art" or "respectful" to Buddhism, is it? And maestro-artist John Wardley didn't even get the idea he wanted because marketing told him it wouldn't be popular. :twirly:

But none of that matters: the ride was still perfect as we all agree, and well designed by all the team. The beautiful theme design acted as a sceneric background to create a relaxed, immersive environment. That's why I like Chessington, its themes were authentic, inspired by real cultures, and not heavy or 'in-your-face'.

TheMan said:
As someone who considers it neither, but can respect that it can be whimsical to some, and more deep for others - I think it is important that people are able to express what it means to them.
Meat thanked my post where I pointed out that you were both, and neither right, because it is subjective.
So what you're saying is you aren't going to ride my posts, therefore you will keep misunderstanding and thinking I "do not appreciate" these rides which I have been enjoying for over a decade, because you don't care about anybody else's "subjective" opinion? And if Meat Pie is going to speak in 'Thanks'-language then there's no point in this discussion at all.

Thank you for digging up that old video, I was trying to look for something recently. That's exactly how I remember the ride!

Although the only time I saw the elephant actually move when it squirted mashed potato in an episode Bodger & Badger. How come nobody I know remembers that amazing TV programme?
Didn't know it used to actually DO something in the tunnel, though I'm still sure at ONE point it used to go out past the Tomb/5th Dimension building...

And that Elephant :O

They could so easily replace the lift hill rocks it's not true... Even if they removed the metal steps and replaced them with built-in stuff...
The only shred of evidence there is that we might see the theming replaced to the original standard is Wild Asia. Chessington managed to pull that off to a high standard only three years ago which does suggest that they are capable of creating authentic theming if they have a good enough budget and with the right talent employed.

electricBlll said:
Although the only time I saw the elephant actually move when it squirted mashed potato in an episode Bodger & Badger. How come nobody I know remembers that amazing TV programme?

I remember that episode! :p
They would be absolute morons to leave these rides without those pieces of theming.

Even if it's not till the 2014 season, I would certainly believe they will replace this theming in some way. It may be Merlin, but even they know to a certain extent that theming in a park such as Chessington is essential to the whole experience.
I might be being naive, but haven't we just heard they're investing £4million?

Perhaps they're planning to use some of that to rebuild the facade?
electricBlll said:
So what you're saying is you aren't going to ride my posts, therefore you will keep misunderstanding and thinking I "do not appreciate" these rides which I have been enjoying for over a decade, because you don't care about anybody else's "subjective" opinion? And if Meat Pie is going to speak in 'Thanks'-language then there's no point in this discussion at all.

Bill, I like you as a poster, you aren't one I like getting into a debate of this nature with - however the fact remains, you are still arguing with me about it when all I said was you are both right and wrong, which Meat acknowledged and you are still challenging me on.

Sorry I don't understand that.

You are taking an awful lot of what I am saying here out of context, by only quoting parts that appear on their own to attack your point of view, and leaving out the bits where I say you are in fact right also. I don't work like that and it to me it only shows you are being more emotive, and less objective in your post. It seems you are trying to find ways to argue with me about this, when I am saying it achieves both effortless whimsy and also deeper thought which is clever.

So John didn't design this? Fine. Then ironically that makes your point even weaker, as I was saying it was not seemingly designed with simply whimsy in mind - it appeared to take itself a bit more seriously than that, and perhaps, given Wardley didn't design it, that only actually lends credibility to Meat's point (not mine I add, I find it neither whimsical, or high art, once again, because it is completely subjective).

I've never said Vampire, or Professor Burp was an exercise in high art mind you - but once again, if someone chooses to enjoy it like this, then why not - it takes an equal if not greater effort and team to create something of this magnitude than some "high art" itself.

I cannot however, help but find it ironic, that even in a post where my only definitive point is that I do not have one myself, that people find ways to misquote and invent a point of view I do not have.


I do NOT have a point of view other than I enjoy it. Much effort is CLEARLY put into it. It is brilliant in that it can be enjoyed subjectively on both a whimsical and high art level, and that each can be entitled to enjoy it for what it means to them. The only thing not defining this as "high art" is peoples subjective opinions, as it arguably takes more work.

Also, as for your "Pseudo-Buddhist" quote. You know very little about me Bill, and to chose to use a religious insult is something I would not have attributed to you, and has no place on this forum. Why you felt the need for that I do not know. How do you know I am not a Buddhist?

Thing is Bill, going off topic a moment, whilst I have no dedicated religious belief, I do actually practice Buddhist techniques of Zazen etc, and it's system of mindfulness, taming of the monkey mind etc, is probably the closest to a religious belief that I have. I'd go into even more detail but frankly that is material I discuss with friends, not on a Chessington thread.

On saying that Bill, can we please move on from this now. I respect you as a poster, and I am happy to get stuck in with a few people on here, but you are not one of them, and especially not over something we both have ultimately the same sentiments about.
TheMan said:
You are taking an awful lot of what I am saying here out of context
Well I read all your posts thoroughly before writing my reply, sorry if I misunderstood. You certainly misunderstood most my posts anyway; read again and you will see I never "downplayed" John Wardley, I have already pointed out that Chessington was rooted to real life monuments, I never suggested Chessington 'didn't take it seriously' when they built the ride, etc... And now this.

TheMan said:
So John didn't design this? Fine. Then ironically that makes your point even weaker
No, he did design it, but it wasn't what he intended for the area. Because, after all, John Wardley was a businessman and adapted his ideas to what was recommended to him market research. My point is: if Chessington was supposed to be an art experience he wouldn't have needed to listen to his marketing department, he would have just gone ahead and done it for the glory of the arts. Instead he designed one of the most fun rides at Chessington according to a theme that would prove popular with the public, not what he wanted.

You to chose to use a religious insult is something I would not have attributed to you
That's not intended to be religious insult, it's was a quip since you seem to do absolutely everything. :p Coincidentally I'm also interested in Buddhism to a certain extent :twirly: I only assumed you weren't Buddhist because you implied you had not seen pictures of Angkor Wat (Bayon temple) before, which is the largest religious monument in the world.

I have been gleefully researching, and apparently the faces carved into the stone themselves are not necessarily Buddhas either, as the temple was converted to Hinduism at one point. I currently live in India and there are very similar religious sites near where I live, with Buddhist statues carved from cliffs on religious sites that have since become Hindu. And that's yet another reason why I like Chessington, it introduces you to new cultures!

CoasterCrazyChris said:
The only shred of evidence there is that we might see the theming replaced to the original standard is Wild Asia. Chessington managed to pull that off to a high standard only three years ago which does suggest that they are capable of creating authentic theming if they have a good enough budget and with the right talent employed.
I can't remember the theme company that built Wild Asia but they certainly did a brilliant job, and everything from Chessington's concept plans materialised in the finished product. It's also strikingly similar to the city that I live in, the difference being Wild Asia has giant snakes and is actually a fun place to visit! :twirly:

Just quoted to reference you.

I think we just have a bit of wrong end of sticks going on here, happens on a forum, and everyone without question is passionate about Chessington.

I am a bit grouchy at the moment lol, so let's put our misunderstandings now to one side as we both have the most important thing in common after all right?


I have been gleefully researching, and apparently the faces carved into the stone themselves are not necessarily Buddhas either, as the temple was converted to Hinduism at one point. I currently live in India and there are very similar religious sites near where I live, with Buddhist statues carved from cliffs on religious sites that have since become Hindu. And that's yet another reason why I like Chessington, it introduces you to new cultures!

On another note, rereading that, that is fascinating Bill and if you can ever do me the privilege I'd love to see some photos or hear more about that!

And it is rather shameful that I never recognised the reproductions of Angkor also I admit that's rather poor form on my behalf.

Hey, if having a bit of a ding dong on a forum resulted in me finding this out about what you are doing/living/experiencing, please forgive me for being a little happy about it. ;)

Can you start a thread with interesting monuments and document some of it? I'd imagine a few would be extremely interested in it - speaking on behalf of myself, you'd have a very avid reader and supporter here :)

Anyway apologies for off topic there.