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Coronavirus - The Poll

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The figures above include influenza or pneumonia mentioned anywhere on a death certificate - two illnesses. Pneumonia doesn't develop simply as a result of influenza, it can be caused by a multitude of things.
I only pointed this as from as far as I am aware currently these two are now being recorded as covid deaths.
I just couldn’t see how we can respond to a pandemic if what’s being recorded is not the true facts.
I think lockdown will continue till atleast June. They seem the extend lockdown for 3 week at a time then review so I think could head into June no way lockdown will be over next week. The economy will be damaged but there is no way round this unfortunately this is part of life now. I doubt even the high street could recover this year once measures are in place, I think i mentioned it that tourist industry brings in 100billion so that’s completely gone if nowhere opens for the summer Season. 2020 is a complete write off might as well plan for 2021.
By the time 2021 gets here, those of us that are left will be far too busy hunting rats for food to think about theme parks.

Face it guys, the industry we geek over is gone. Time to get a new hobby. I'm thinking ropeless bungee jumping.
By the time 2021 gets here, those of us that are left will be far too busy hunting rats for food to think about theme parks.

Face it guys, the industry we geek over is gone. Time to get a new hobby. I'm thinking ropeless bungee jumping.
I’m up for some parachuting with a Swiss cheese canopy

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I think lockdown will continue till atleast June.

It will be eased off starting a week on Monday, they don’t have a choice it’s already starting to break, I travelled to the north of Scotland last week for work (key worker in the food industry) and the amount of cars on the road and people about is really starting to increase now.
Nearly everyone I speak with who is not working is planning to start work again on Monday 11th May after the Bank Holiday, hotels are opening then as well as more and more take aways and shops are opening all of the time.it won’t be “normal” for quite some time but expect a steady unlocking starting from the 11th.
Schools will almost certainly start again after the half term and I wouldn’t be surprised to see some weeks of the summer holiday used to catch up the lost time in schools.
The big give away was the numbers today, forget the daily death numbers a lot of that is historic, but out of 100000 tests of suspected cases less than 5% were positive. (You only get a test if you are suspected or have been in close contact) and the number of people in hospital dropped 15%.
This sounds awful but I'm genuinely terrified that the government will do a U turn on the cancelled exams. My a levels were meant to start in two weeks and I keep having nightmares about them asking us to do them remotely or something.
When schools go back, it'll be interesting to see how break times will work where pupils would be crammed into a dinner hall or canteen.
I’m only guessing like most people considering only last week he said lockdown will not be ending anytime soon and then the comment about he wants to avoid large groups of people in one area. I can’t see schools reopening anytime soon I think they already said they won’t reopen yet the only things i see opening are places that are on the list to be aloud to be open.
If they start by opening garden centres and none essential shops then the people who work there that have kids o_O are they going to leave them at home.
Kids will have to go back to school first
Maybe the older ones can look after themselves at home
There wasn’t ever any scientific reason for shutting schools anyway, the only reason they closed is because a lot of the teachers phoned in sick and they didn’t have the numbers to keep them open.
My daughters school (private school almost next door to AT) didn’t have any staff phone in sick and wanted to remain open but was forced to close by the government, they are desperate to be able to open again as soon as possible and can socially distance no problem.
There can’t be a U turn on the exams though that boat has sailed, even though exams by their very nature are socially distanced.
There wasn’t ever any scientific reason for shutting schools anyway, the only reason they closed is because a lot of the teachers phoned in sick and they didn’t have the numbers to keep them open.
My daughters school (private school almost next door to AT) didn’t have any staff phone in sick and wanted to remain open but was forced to close by the government, they are desperate to be able to open again as soon as possible and can socially distance no problem.
There can’t be a U turn on the exams though that boat has sailed, even though exams by their very nature are socially distanced.
Perhaps your private school has very small class sizes and big corridors but at my former (comprehensive) school socially distancing would be next to impossible. You would also need extra school buses for the children to sit far apart, more canteen space, etc.

My mum is a school librarian and she is super nervous about the restrictions being relaxed too early and bringing coronavirus back to our house.
Time to get a new hobby. I'm thinking ropeless bungee jumping.

Yep, I've done a ropeless bungee jump many years ago and survived :)


Face it guys, the industry we geek over is gone.

Theme parks and many other tourist attractions may never open when this crisis is all over, but in time, theme parks will start to pop up again. In the mean time, I've plans to transform our garden which I've already made a start on. For the past few years, we started to theme each of our rooms inside our home. Our garden is going to become an enchanted garden theme. I've have ordered items to build my own magical water feature. I've plans to refurbish our shed and make it look like an enchanted village lodge. I've also plans to build a mini crazy golf course.

Like I've said in a previous post somewhere on here, my life hasn't suddenly stop, but just simply change course, I've new plans and new goals. I might even build my own back yard rollercoaster. And when the theme parks re-open, I'll be waiting to go back to them, however I'm going to avoid going out until all the mad rush to go to these places have died down, it is going to be manic once everything re-opens.

I see this crisis as temporary, even if it goes on for a few years. Once this is all over, life here in the UK will bounce back. May not be the same world that we lived in before the crisis, some things will change for the better and others for the worse. This country has bounced back from the war, other countries bounce back from natural disaster. We have all taken for granted for what we have in this county, I'm so pleased and grateful that I live here in the UK, there are far worse places to live in the world, at least we have fresh running water and electricity, and we live in a peaceful democracy country.
If they start by opening garden centres and none essential shops then the people who work there that have kids o_O are they going to leave them at home.
Kids will have to go back to school first
Maybe the older ones can look after themselves at home
As someone who actually works in a garden centre, most of us are either my age (so don't have kids) or a lot older with grown up kids. Our business could certainly open up without reopening the schools. However, old people and families make up a big chunk of our customers so we maybe wouldn't make any money
Just in my personal opinion I think since Boris got the virus he seems to be taking this more serious and seems very reluctant to ease lockdown yet. By looks of it I think next week when he sets out the plan of how lockdown will be eased that’s just to put people at rest so they have some indication of what’s going on.
This was my fear. He almost died and it’s skewed his judgment on the situation

All he cares about is covid

Everyone else dying from cancer and everything else not being treated is not important
I was feeling quite optimistic last nite about things but just had 40mins reading twitter and :confused:

I just want to be not treated like I have the plague. Everyone crosses the road when I walk towards them

And with regard Twitter. I read many comments even when jobs reopen. Schools reopen
People are not going back to work They are not sending their kids to school
They only doing it when it is safe


Roll on next weeks announcement, my heads ready to break
I don't think his judgment has been skewed, if reports are to be believed he was against easing the lockdown early even prior to him being hospitalised. As said before, it's a difficult tightrope to walk. Ease the lockdown too late, you risk economic damage, ease it too early and you risk another strict lockdown like we have now which causes yup....economic damage. So doing either causes the same thing, it's just a case of timing to minimise that damage.

I don't get where you're seeing from an official source that treating cancer etc is not important? In fact there's been a very active effort over the past weeks to emphasise that the NHS is still there to treat other illnesses via multiple news reports featuring doctors and healthcare professionals. IVF treatment has started again, and important out-patient appointments have still being going on. There's been a worry that A+E attendance is lower, and they've been desperate to point out people should speak to their doctor if they are ill.

I've been critical of the government in many aspects of how they're handling this situation, but the information they're issuing to the public since lockdown has on the whole been good. Alas you can't help how some interpret that information, but it's just not possible to cater briefings to suit the reactions of every individual.
It’s going to take a long time for the economy to recover. Even after when lockdown is eased things won’t return to normal for a long time the high street will change to suit social distancing rules. So I think it’s a no win situation at the moment there’s no easy solution.
To be honest i don’t read any MSM now. Not listened to a gov waffle for weeks.
Deleted my FB account 4weeks ago
Only get sound bites from the radio now and again

It’s mainly twitter reactions
Extreme left ranting
Extreme right waffle
But somewhere in between there’s the sense of what people are feeling

They are not going to a&e or drs, they don’t want lockdown to end. They don’t want to go out at all as they’re are pooing their pants they are going to die

Well done MSM, the gov wanted to protect the vulnerable, they turned it into everyone is going to die

A lot are waiting for a vaccine to arrive. Only then will they be safe.

There’s just no hope. I miss Nemmy :(
I wonder if a&e visits are down because people aren't out and about getting in harm's way?

Be interesting to see alcohol related admissions while we've been locked inside, and if they're down enough to save the NHS some money, will we see some policy changes around drinking?
I wonder if a&e visits are down because people aren't out and about getting in harm's way?

Be interesting to see alcohol related admissions while we've been locked inside, and if they're down enough to save the NHS some money, will we see some policy changes around drinking?
When I gave blood a couple weeks ago the nurse said demand was lower due to fewer operations but also due to fewer car accidents.

Worth noting as well they reckon the reduced pollution levels may save thousands of lives - this is a really good time to work on reducing car use!