
Haven't you seen the pics and video footage of the commute to work where people are jammed packed onto the trains, no social distancing and many not wearing mask?
I'm fully aware that you can give the illusion of things being closer than they are with camera angles and the use of the correct lens. This is how soaps will be filming using social distancing, the actors will be 2 metres apart but will look like they are standing together on screen.
The crowds at Southend yesterday were reported independently by the BBC and ITV, they are not in the business to create the illusion of crowds and fake news. You only had to see the recent new report on Durdle door where people were passing each other up and down those steps not social distancing. We are shielding here, different rules to social distancing, we are not allowed face to face contact with the outside world, I've measured 2 metres on the ground for deliveries and it is surprising that 2 metres is actually further away than what you imagine.
Despite being over the peak, this virus is still out there and there is more of it going around now than when when we first went into lock down, back then everyone went out panic buying defying the social distancing recommendation as well as people still went to the pubs despite being advise not to. I can only see that this is all going to end with another spike sooner than later.