Here in Wales I’m glad we haven’t gone mad and eased everything yet. We can only travel 5 miles to see loved ones. Non essential shops still haven’t opened and looks like it will be another 3-4 weeks for them. I honestly don’t mind this way going forward actually sticking to the science and doing what’s right.
London was reportedly as low as 0.4 at one moment in time. The thing to bear in mind is that 0.9 is the highest R number in any region of Britain, not necessarily the overall one. Apparently the overall one is around 0.7.R has been below 1 for 2 weeks. I would prefer it to be at 0.6 before easing of restrictions. Not the 0.9 it is at the moment.
So we had a bit more head room for the small rise in R rate that is expected from easing.
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I don't think it's confusing, rather I simply think the government is ignoring its own plans. Putting sport to one side, this graphic (I don't know the source so perhaps it's incorrect) suggests that folks who are shielding were to remain inside until we had a vaccine. We don't have a vaccine, yet the government is saying they can go out starting Monday. It's concerning that gov has quietly dropped their own schedule!Yes, you are missing something. The R number has been below 1 consistently so we have seen a partial lifting of lockdown and the virus is on the decline so we are seeing the reopening of some shops where social distancing is possible. I'm pretty sure the intended meaning for the sports thing is for spectators, ie mass gatherings not socially distant, rather than the actual plating of professional sports.
Throughout the lockdown people willfully trying to be confused by everything is making them look very silly to me.
Looks like everyone is that photo is behaving within the guidelines, they have all gone to visit the castle to test their eyesight
I put my full trust in the government to do what’s right. They clearly feel that Dominic Cummings did nothing wrong, so I put my faith in their opinion. I’m not going to judge what the government chose to do, as they were clearly put in charge for a reason. They know what they’re doing, so why should I not trust them, as they are my leaders? And I say this as someone who is not a Conservative supporter by any means.
...oh my gosh. Actually, genuinely starting to think you're some kinda elaborate reverse-psychology troll... Your posts are now bizarre-bordering-on-absurd lol.Why wouldn't the government trust themselves? They will surely always have a lot of evidence and the wellbeing of their constituents in mind whenever they make a decision.
Love this so much. 100% what's actually happening - some are certainly arguing that things are going too quickly, equally others are not. Yet another news story being blown out of proportion (like so many recently, with the definite exception of the Dominic Cummings saga).Government - "We follow the science!"
SAGE - "SOME of our scientists say it's too early to reduce lockdown, but then this is not an exact science and there will always be differences of opinion. The general consensus from our members though is that measures can be slowly reduced."
The press - "The science says it's too early to reduce lockdown."
People with a political axe to grind - "Waaaaaaaa"
I apologise sincerely if my posts prove triggering, but might I ask; what makes you think my recent posts have become absurd, out of interest?...oh my gosh. Actually, genuinely starting to think you're some kinda elaborate reverse-psychology troll... Your posts are now bizarre-bordering-on-absurd lol.
I used the word absurd (and bizarre) more for comic effect to be honest. A better, more accurate word would be naive - your nativity and blind trust in the government is frankly worrying.I apologise sincerely if my posts prove triggering, but might I ask; what makes you think my recent posts have become absurd, out of interest?
I’m not going to pretend that I would have voted for the Conservative party had I been able to vote in the last general election (I would really have loved a Labour government, personally). However, my rationale behind trusting the government is that; they must clearly have a very good idea of what the right thing to do is in order to get where they are. Whoever hired the officials in government wouldn’t have just hired any old person. They would have made sure that those who they hired were knowledgeable, kind people who cared about the greater good of the country and would always act in the right way and make the right choices. I admit that what Dominic Cummings did may seem strange on the face of it, when you discover a little context (exceptional circumstances surrounding the care of his child) and take into account that the government clearly has no problem with his actions, then I’m not going to accuse Dominic Cummings of doing anything wrong, personally; the government has good intentions whenever they make judgements.I used the word absurd (and bizarre) more for comic effect to be honest. A better, more accurate word would be naive - your nativity and blind trust in the government is frankly worrying.
Like I said, sorry, but extreme nativity. Which tbh, especially in these times, must be a lovely way to live. But, sorry to break it to you... give it a few years, after some life experience and you'd see the laughability in the statements you're making.I’m not going to pretend that I would have voted for the Conservative party had I been able to vote in the last general election (I would really have loved a Labour government, personally). However, my rationale behind trusting the government is that; they must clearly have a very good idea of what the right thing to do is in order to get where they are. Whoever hired the officials in government wouldn’t have just hired any old person. They would have made sure that those who they hired were knowledgeable, kind people who cared about the greater good of the country and would always act in the right way and make the right choices. I admit that what Dominic Cummings did may seem strange on the face of it, when you discover a little context (exceptional circumstances surrounding the care of his child) and take into account that the government clearly has no problem with his actions, then I’m not going to accuse Dominic Cummings of doing anything wrong, personally; the government has good intentions whenever they make judgements.
I mean, the world isn’t all sunshine and rainbows by any means. But I find that if you think a little more positively about the world and have a little optimism sometimes, it does make you a lot happier. It’s just the way I’ve always been; so many times, I’ve been told to “be more cynical”, and I’ve definitely tried, but I just can’t!Like I said, sorry, but extreme nativity. Which tbh, especially in these times, must be a lovely way to live. But, sorry to break it to you... give it a few years, after some life experience and you'd see the laughability in the statements you're making.
I mean, the world isn’t all sunshine and rainbows by any means. But I find that if you think a little more positively about the world and have a little optimism sometimes, it does make you a lot happier. It’s just the way I’ve always been; so many times, I’ve been told to “be more cynical”, and I’ve definitely tried, but I just can’t!
Really? I never would've guessed.I've always had the opposite problem to be honest.![]()
Fair enough; I’m almost definitely the outlier here, and I’m not expecting anyone to agree with me by any means!I've always had the opposite problem to be honest.![]()
I’m not going to pretend that I would have voted for the Conservative party had I been able to vote in the last general election (I would really have loved a Labour government, personally). However, my rationale behind trusting the government is that; they must clearly have a very good idea of what the right thing to do is in order to get where they are. Whoever hired the officials in government wouldn’t have just hired any old person. They would have made sure that those who they hired were knowledgeable, kind people who cared about the greater good of the country and would always act in the right way and make the right choices. I admit that what Dominic Cummings did may seem strange on the face of it, when you discover a little context (exceptional circumstances surrounding the care of his child) and take into account that the government clearly has no problem with his actions, then I’m not going to accuse Dominic Cummings of doing anything wrong, personally; the government has good intentions whenever they make judgements.