Well my neighbours well and truly have broken all rules now. This is the third group of people they have had in their garden with no distancing whatsoever. Child, two women and a man and earlier they had another child and another adult. Neighbour even went to greet one of the women outside near the road so everyone could see she came from a car and there was no distancing when they met. There are three households mixing now! Having a barbeque and having no cares apparently!
I don't understand what has changed and why they feel like they have a right to do this. She works in a nursery, we think she is either at work or getting ready to go back. But I'm sure parents wouldn't expect the people in that nursery to be mixing with so many people outside of work.
Welcome to my neighbourhood, and there are all old folks around here, I do feel like Jess and I are the only ones here taking this seriously.
There are 8,000 new infections daily.
Only 7% of the population has had Covid-19.
50% of those that have shown symptoms have isolated for 7 days.
75% of those that do have Covid-19 do not show any symptoms and are infectious.
Hospital Covid-19 admissions are going up.
The scientist have warned that the R number is too high to relax the lock-down.
It has been indicated that the politicians are not following the science, but making political decisions.
This is far from over. Stay safe, keep your distance, avoid crowds and groups
@DiogoJ42 hope you are OK and well? haven't seen you on here for a while which is unusual, missing your grumpiness