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Coronavirus - The Poll

  • Total voters
There is no logic to ending remote voting. For MPs who are having to shield, they can't go to Parliament and vote, meaning their constituents are effectively not being represented. It's frankly disgraceful, but I'd expect nothing less, given this proposal was put forward by the honourable member for the nineteenth century.
Remember those quotes a couple of weeks ago, "I'm not sending my kids to school until those MPs return"? The cynic in me says that's why MPs have returned. It's just politics rather than doing what's actually for the best.
We had no cases where I work over the weekend, as in no one in the hospital with the virus. We are up to 4 now. Some friends in Wales tell me the ICU is getting busier again as well. Fingers crossed things don't escalate again but it's worrying signs
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I noticed on the Government slides yesterday that hospital admissions had crept up from the previous few days; hopefully that is just an anomaly though. We still have a high level/rate of infection in the UK though, so despite outdoors being safer than indoors things like crowded beaches or protests with no social distancing are bound to spread the virus. Just got to hope that it does not get out of control again.

Here is another stark fact. With all this talk of the 2 week quarantine for those coming to the UK it is as if we think we have things under control yet other countries do not. Well we recorded more deaths yesterday and every other EU country combined. I can't imagine countries are going to be desperate to welcome Brits abroad at the moment! And with measures as they are it is hard to see how infection rates are going to come down much more, if at all. I still think we needed another 2 or 3 weeks of full lockdown to help bring the numbers down to a more manageable level.
Something I noticed yesterday, theme parks were added to the coronavirus health protection regulations on the 1st of June, which is the first time I have seen anything explicitly requiring them to remain closed.

Also named in the amendment are other attractions like aquariums, zoos and model villages. I assume this is what has lead to Chester Zoo's coverage in the news yesterday, as they are desperately asking for funding from the public. Good news is they seem to have raised over a million pounds so far.
Something I noticed yesterday, theme parks were added to the coronavirus health protection regulations on the 1st of June, which is the first time I have seen anything explicitly requiring them to remain closed.

Also named in the amendment are other attractions like aquariums, zoos and model villages. I assume this is what has lead to Chester Zoo's coverage in the news yesterday, as they are desperately asking for funding from the public. Good news is they seem to have raised over a million pounds so far.
Weren't they covered by the term funfairs in one of the older revisions?

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Very promising news, guys; one of the leading academics working on the Oxford vaccine says that the trials currently “look safe” and “everything is going to schedule” in the trials: https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/uk-news/vaccine-coronavirus-ready-year-end-18363392

If these are successful, then he predicts that the vaccine will be available (I’m assuming he means widely available) by the end of the year! I’m assuming that this lines up with the government and AstraZeneca beginning to manufacture doses of the vaccine in order to get some by September, as I’d assume they will need to wait for approval from the trials working before they can actually start vaccinating.
Ok. So today's daily briefing had no R value and they changed some percentage to numbers of.
I am wonder what are they trying to hide.

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Controversial opinion but I can't understand why people are out protesting in Britain over the events that happened in America. It's not our police force that have committed these attricitys and they are not accountable to us. We should keep self distancing and make our voices heard in other ways.

Black lives matter but at this time it would be better to say "All lives matter".
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I think what is being said by implication is that black lives matter less than white ones.
Poverty, violence, levels of education, health generally, and virus specifically...all seem to be more of an issue for people who arent white.
And it has been that way for centuries.
Controversial opinion but I can't understand why people are out protesting in Britain over the events that happened in America. It's not our police force that have committed these attricitys and they are not accountable to us. We should keep self distances and make our voices heard in other ways.

Black lives matter but at this time it would be better to say "All lives matter".

The societal effects of racism are structural and systemic. America is living the most extreme version of the legacy of slavery, but that effect and the subtle devaluation of black lives versus white realities is felt everywhere. It's endemic in the United Kingdom, of course, amongst our police and other institutions. There's been a lot of lip service paid to anti-racism over the years, but what is developing now, especially amongst young people, is a new discourse and ideas. We don't need slogans but greater self-examination, and the best thing white people can do as allies is share some vulnerability that people of colour share everyday by asking themselves in what ways they naturally benefit due to a corrupt system, where black people might not.

Of course, much of this is taking place over the hostile grounds of social media, so it can feel particularly sticky.
I do get why people are demonstrating, there is no room in my life for any type of discrimination whether it's racism, sexism, ageism, sexuality, gender, disability etc..

However, I don't understand why people are out demonstrating in large gatherings with the lack of social distancing during a pandemic. I'm sure everyone can safely voice their support via social media. This virus has the potential to make you ill for many weeks, months or even years or even kill you. Even if you are not worried about catching it yourself, you have the potential to pass this virus on to others including the most vulnerable people.
Let's not pretend that our police are squeaky clean or that our own government aren't just as culpable of racist decisions (Windrush anyone?).

All lives do matter, however given the circumstances of many people who are still fighting to be treated as equal this isn't the viewpoint to be taking in such circumstances.

Saying "All Lives Matter" ignores the problems that those who are subject to any form of abuse, be it racism, homophobia, etc. Until these problems are removed or solved, then those lives that are suffering due to blatant abuse and systemic racism (the differences in response to the predominantly white anti-lockdown protest and this current one are quite scary). An idiot president essentially telling people to start shooting and Walmart suddenly stopping the sale of firearms are two big examples here.

I agree with the world showing support, as some countries as seemingly charging back into a fascist right state. America especially seems to be going down that route. Police arresting media and destroying medic centres? That's some worrying methods of control. My worry is that these protests will potentially cause a massive spike in Covid more than anything.

Oh and the UK media is also a problem. What was on the front pages yesterday? News about Madeline bloody McCann. Instead of the protests some dead middle class white child who died as a result of her parent's neglect (irrespective of whether they killed her or not, leaving young children in a hotel room by themselves IS neglectful). Now that is evidence of systemic racism.
Oh and the UK media is also a problem. What was on the front pages yesterday? News about Madeline bloody McCann. Instead of the protests some dead middle class white child who died as a result of her parent's neglect (irrespective of whether they killed her or not, leaving young children in a hotel room by themselves IS neglectful). Now that is evidence of systemic racism.
I also got a bit annoyed when my phone notified me of that, especially as it didn't notify me about any of the above stories.

RoyJess did a great job of summarising my thoughts. I'm completely behind the cause of these protests, just that now is a terrible time for them. Social change doesn't happen over night, but a second wave of Covid only takes the wrong people being in the wrong place.

But now is a good time to be discussing these issues so it's good to see a discussion taking place.

As for the lockdown protests I don't agree with them either. However the people at those protests were doing so to show that they thought social distancing was pointless so it felt a bit redundant to point that out.
Interestingly saw an article... well more a social media post... yesterday advising people to still attend protests as the poster deemed it vitally important. They suggested protesting, but only if not in an at-risk from Covid-19 group, doing so whilst staying 2m apart from all others, wearing masks, isolating for 14 days afterwards regardless of displaying symptoms or not, and getting tested afterwards regardless of symptoms or not.

I mean... I guess that's a way to protest semi-safely in the current climate? But it seems ridiculous, I absolutely can't imagine the vast majority of protesters adhering to it lol.
Indeed, that sounds great. Apart from you cannot get tested in the UK at the moment if you are not showing any symptoms. I fully support the messages behind the protests and am completely against any form of racism but it doesn't take a genius to work out that it will lead to more spread of the virus than if they did not take place. And seeing as those from BAME backgrounds are disproportionately affected by the virus, for whatever reasons that might be, then the protests may cause even more unnecessary harm on some of those people.
Fully understand the reasons behind the protests...

However, whatever your cause, reason etc I can't support the violence that comes with it. Minority or not, there are protestors willingly harming and destroying and very few people seem to be condemning this, it all gets swept under the carpet and put down to "people have had enough". I don't buy that, I'll never forget the rioting in the UK because of Mark Duggan. It was appalling. Ended up being nothing to do with his death. I've read about police in other states being targeted and I just ask why? Isn't that some kind of "IST" if attacking any policeman or woman is viewed as OK, they're police so they must hate and brutalise all non whites? It's senseless. Change shouldn't come from violence.

The violence from the police is also another matter. I've seen some footage of what they are up to and I only hope that anyone involved is dealt with. It is unlikely to happen I know. But letting police get away with essentially beating people only fuels the problems. It's time all institution s like the police, army etc stopped defending their "own" when crimes are committed.

Torching and looting businessess makes no sense. That has nothing to do with a murder. Ultimately it's to do with the police. The issue is with the laws, the government. And frankly how you raise your kids. You have to teach them to be fearful or hateful because no child is ever born with those views.

And people over here.... Share your support, send letters, post stuff on the internet whatever, but when I saw in Liverpool a Covid hotspot, all those morons (and they are) so close together.... there is going to be a spike in a couple of weeks and I'm sorry but it won't make a bit of difference to racial justice that they were outside St George's Hall but they've probably set Liverpool back by weeks now.

The message and the reasons are more than justified but at the moment we can't have these gatherings........ Especially as in the UK it is totally unnecessary for them to be happening. Absolutely nothing will change, not now, not in the near future because of the thing that is affecting all 60+ million of us not just some.

Sorry to have veered into politics but this has been bugging me for a few days now. I keep hearing on North West news about how we're doing worse than other parts of the country and we need to social distance. My family have been doing the right thing for 10 weeks now. Yet they allowed groups and groups of people to gather over essentially nothing we can do anything about.

If I'd had a mass poetry reading with the same number of people and lack of social distancing how long do you think that would have lasted?
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