Fully understand the reasons behind the protests...
However, whatever your cause, reason etc I can't support the violence that comes with it. Minority or not, there are protestors willingly harming and destroying and very few people seem to be condemning this, it all gets swept under the carpet and put down to "people have had enough". I don't buy that, I'll never forget the rioting in the UK because of Mark Duggan. It was appalling. Ended up being nothing to do with his death. I've read about police in other states being targeted and I just ask why? Isn't that some kind of "IST" if attacking any policeman or woman is viewed as OK, they're police so they must hate and brutalise all non whites? It's senseless. Change shouldn't come from violence.
The violence from the police is also another matter. I've seen some footage of what they are up to and I only hope that anyone involved is dealt with. It is unlikely to happen I know. But letting police get away with essentially beating people only fuels the problems. It's time all institution s like the police, army etc stopped defending their "own" when crimes are committed.
Torching and looting businessess makes no sense. That has nothing to do with a murder. Ultimately it's to do with the police. The issue is with the laws, the government. And frankly how you raise your kids. You have to teach them to be fearful or hateful because no child is ever born with those views.
And people over here.... Share your support, send letters, post stuff on the internet whatever, but when I saw in Liverpool a Covid hotspot, all those morons (and they are) so close together.... there is going to be a spike in a couple of weeks and I'm sorry but it won't make a bit of difference to racial justice that they were outside St George's Hall but they've probably set Liverpool back by weeks now.
The message and the reasons are more than justified but at the moment we can't have these gatherings........ Especially as in the UK it is totally unnecessary for them to be happening. Absolutely nothing will change, not now, not in the near future because of the thing that is affecting all 60+ million of us not just some.
Sorry to have veered into politics but this has been bugging me for a few days now. I keep hearing on North West news about how we're doing worse than other parts of the country and we need to social distance. My family have been doing the right thing for 10 weeks now. Yet they allowed groups and groups of people to gather over essentially nothing we can do anything about.
If I'd had a mass poetry reading with the same number of people and lack of social distancing how long do you think that would have lasted?