The inability of some people to understand that reason behind the gatherings be it for the "purpose of leisure" or a gathering "that is the consequence of desperation / necessity" is not the issue. That to me is pretty incredible.
The issue is not what is causing the gatherings.
The issue is not the reason for the gatherings.
The issue (on this forum at least from what I can see) is not anything to do with any reason why people are gathering.
It is simply.... people are gathering..... in numbers that are dangerous. Not dangerous in 2019, 2018 or 2017 or any other year. But June 2020. The present time. That is all.
I would love someone to try and calculate the number of people on UK beaches (some of which have been closed to the public), then calculate the people who were not social distancing (of which I'm sure like the protests some were, I'm not condemning people for being outside trying to stay 2m apart) and then try and calculate the number of people marching in the UK, across various cities and then calculate how many were not social distancing.
Maybe then we could end this discussion. Because it seems to me like it's beaches vs. protests. And whether one is more likely to transmit the virus more than the other. Or in some cases who cares if it did. If the virus could laugh, its probably having a good chuckle right now.
Face masks, is anyone wearing them when they go out? We're starting to venture outside a little bit more. B&Q yesterday..... my nerves have yet to recover....never going again....ever. Although I can't blame the store or the staff really, it's other people not keeping... no not even trying to keep 2m away. Me and my brother have decided we'd probably feel more comfortable around people if we were wearing masks. We are seeing quite a few people of all ages with them on. Just wondered what people are doing themselves and if it's not mandatory would you wear one anyway?