It's depressing to see beaches packed with people, no social distancing, roads blocked with anti-social parking, people being rude and spitting at officials trying to manage the situation and people leaving tonnes of rubbish on the beaches when they go. Are people normally this feral or is that just what happens when you let them fester indoors for three months and then tell them can go outdoors? We should start withholding furlough and benefits payments from people that can't take personal responsibility.
I've also hearing reports of public toilets being closed, so people have been making use of the side streets and peoples front gardens as well as going in the sand dunes and not clearing up afterwards
Last weekend I witnessed 2 examples of absolute paranoia whilst out and about. First in Asda, when passing a young lady who was stopped browsing some items, I passed by on the otherside of the, very wide, isle, and she pretty much dived in to the shelf to try and get out the way. The look of terror on her face was priceless. I would guess I was just slighgtly less than 2 metres when I passed her. The second, later on the same day, I was walking along the pavement, which was around 2 metres wide, and next to it is a grass verge, which is also about 2metres wide. Again, somebody walking the otherway, so I walk close up to the hedge, so at the very worst, said person coming the other way simply had to step on to the grass verge if they felt the need to keep exactly 2 metres or more, but no, they went straight passed that and stepped in to the road, and a very busy road at that. That sort of behaviour baffles me, you risk getting hit by traffic to avoid people at all costs, when the risk of catching anything passing anyone for a second is pretty much 0.
If that is the fear some people have, then maybe they shouldn't be out at all?
The 2 meter rule (or 1+ rule) doesn't stop you from catching the virus, it's about reducing the risk of transmitting to bring the R rate down. The further away you are from others, risk of the virus transmission is reduced. 2 meters is a lot further than what people think, it is the with of my drive way and I see people standing with non family members only inches away. Remember this isn't about you catching the virus, but also about you potentially passing the virus on, there may be very good reason for the person to move further away from you, so before you judge and criticise others for moving away, you just don't know if these people have an underlining health condition which makes them vulnerable of if they are living with a vulnerable family member. Jess and I have been shielding as Jess would not stand a chance against this virus, despite the fact they have identify that this steroid treatment can reduce deaths and increase recovery time, Jess is not allowed steroids treatment, so this treatment is no use to her if she catches Covid-19.
The bottom line is, this is a highly infectious virus, it can cause death and if you don't die from it, it has left people with life long damage their lungs, which has left them breathless and unable to do basic things. For many, this virus will be harmless, like I said, the social distancing rules are not there for you, but to protect those that are vulnerable and most at risk.
I just don’t get why everything has to be eased at once instead of gradually over the next few weeks. But who ever thought it would be a good idea to reopen pubs on a Saturday really needs to give his head a wobble. I can’t see this ending well unfortunately the Sunday papers will be rubbing their hands with glee with how much content they will have. Pubs should of opened midweek give the staff time to get used to the new regime but now they have been thrown straight into the deep end I wish every one of them the best of luck.
The reason is because this country is financially screwed and will be further down the pan if we don't, and not forgetting the impact of Brexit when the transition period finishes at the end of this year. This government is between a rock and a hard place with all this.
I do feel sorry for the shielders, they have sacrifices so much by not leaving their home or meeting up with family members, they have not been able to treat this lock down as a holiday, they have not been able to go and enjoy a walk, a trip to the beach or even a trip to their local shop, but yet their hard effort and sacrifice has been rewarded by the government by telling them, no matter what, as from the 1st of August, they have to go back out to work.