It depends on what your defining as normal but it's clear that changes to working practices, cash and online/remote shopping have already been accelerated this year.
If you just mean getting out to concerts, sports, cinema, free to come and go as you please then I'm hopeful we can get that with or without a vaccine by next summer. Although a working vaccine would be a game changer.
I'm determined to end on a positive note for
People compare this to the flu vaccine but forget that the flu vaccine targets specific people in our society with a view to protect that person. The vaccine for Coronavirus will be almost certainly be mandatory and will be taking by a much higher percentage of the population, this is with the view to protect others, not just yourself.
Once our science communities can analyse the data we may start seeing significant leaps in medical science. Some of our greatest leaps in discoveries have come post outbreaks.(and wars)
It's not all doom and gloom. It's just hard to escape that narrative in the media! We'll get there Matt