I'm not excited, even if a vaccine is proven to be effective by Christmas, logistically this won't end this crisis until another year or two. First they need to get the vaccine safety approved, this won't happen until spring next year the earliest. First they will roll it out to front line NHS health workers. Then they need to roll this out to the vulnerable, yet many vulnerable were not put on the shielding list. MP's gave the criteria and they are not health experts. Many rare conditions that should have been on the shielding list didn't make it as they were over looked.
Jess and I qualify for the flu vaccine each year. We have been told that we should have it more than ever this year. We have contacted our GP to have the flue vaccine and should have had it by now. Despite it being on the system for us to have the flue vaccine, we are still waiting to receive it and we doubt that we will get it. We were booked to have it a few weeks ago, but the nurse didn't receive any vaccine to give to us. They only have limited stock.
If they are having problems with the extra flu vaccine for the vulnerable, I'm sure that they will definitely have problems distributing the covid vaccine.
The vaccine is not going to be the magic bullet, it is expected to be around 50% effective just like the flue vaccine. To receive herd immunity, a majority of the population will require immunisation, not just in this county, but world wide. Immunity is short lived, so a regular boosters will be required. Not everyone is going to take up the vaccine.
Yes we will get through this and return back to normal some day, but covid will be with us for many years to come, even if it's just the odd case popping up now and again. Restrictions will be in place for another year or two.