TS Administrator
Which is a great example of why the bemoaned lack if information in a lot if areas is a very good thing. There will be contingency plan upon contingency plan at government level and service provider level for all sorts of eventuality. Should me or you know those things? No, absolutely not, because in the minds of much of the public (fed by an atrocious press) a plan becomes an expectation and an unused plan with hindsight becomes a waste when the reality no plan would be negligence.
A little information and a lack of intelligence is a dangerous thing.
Thing is, that reluctance to properly explain the reasons why just vaccinating teachers won't work at the moment will result in one of two things happening. The government will cave, have kids go back and cases will rise. Or, teachers will get vaccinated, the schools still remain closed due to prevalence of the virus in the community and we'll end up in a "blame the unions" scenario again. I'm just not a fan of any frontline worker being rolled out as a scapegoat when all it would take is for the government to be honest and clear on the reasons why a situation isn't as simple as it's being portrayed.