Young people who are fit aren't getting the vaccine though.
Yes they are, as reported on ITV news at Ten a few nights ago. GP's has been warned that they should stick to the priority groups

Young people who are fit aren't getting the vaccine though.
I believe the reasoning is that those on the priority list may in theory not be able to respond to such a call fast enough.I get the notion of that it is better to give any surplus vaccine to someone as appose to throwing it away, but why don't they call someone on the priority list that has yet to be contacted as appose to give it to someone who is fit and healthy in there early 20's?
If they were to give Jess a call, we will certainly be down the vaccine centre like a shot.
Have you chased the fact that Jess hasn't been called for the vaccine with anyone? If she's on a priority list that's already been processed, then clearly something has gone wrong, and it should be flagged.I get the notion of that it is better to give any surplus vaccine to someone as appose to throwing it away, but why don't they call someone on the priority list that has yet to be contacted as appose to give it to someone who is fit and healthy in there early 20's?
If they were to give Jess a call, we will certainly be down the vaccine centre like a shot.
I believe the reasoning is that those on the priority list may in theory not be able to respond to such a call fast enough.
Agreed but the government haven't exactly shown themselfs to care that muchThat assumption is discrimination
The local vaccination centre run by the local hospital has a spare call list. Open to care sector workers, active St John members, anyone who is a carer for someone who is entitled to the vaccine.I get the notion of that it is better to give any surplus vaccine to someone as appose to throwing it away, but why don't they call someone on the priority list that has yet to be contacted as appose to give it to someone who is fit and healthy in there early 20's?
If they were to give Jess a call, we will certainly be down the vaccine centre like a shot.
Small altercation this morning with a young man slightly worse for drink or drugs in a petrol station, no mask or consideration for others, ended up with him walking into my fist.
Police seemed quite happy when I explained he came at me with an aggressive manor so I dropped him, COVID fine issues to him as well so result all around.
Lesson to be learned here is don’t mess with large balding 40 somethings when the pub is shut, we are all a bit touchy right now.
Small altercation this morning with a young man slightly worse for drink or drugs in a petrol station, no mask or consideration for others, ended up with him walking into my fist.
Police seemed quite happy when I explained he came at me with an aggressive manor so I dropped him, COVID fine issues to him as well so result all around.
Lesson to be learned here is don’t mess with large balding 40 somethings when the pub is shut, we are all a bit touchy right now.
Doubt it even happened.
Another huge drop in the cases and deaths reported today. Cases almost half on last Monday, and deaths roughly 40% down. Perhaps the vaccine is now properly coming into play, and with spring arriving the cases could continue to plummet. If this continues will the roadmap appear unnecessarily cautious?
This thing is seasonal for sure. More deadly than the flu and more contagious yet still behaves like a seasonal virus. We didn't have a vaccine to combat it in July last year either yet cases still dropped to almost zero for a short while.
Also in the summer people were meeting up outdoors, then the change in weather and people are indoors without adequate ventilation. Its speculated that the Eat Out to Help Out scheme actually made people go back to indoor dining too quickly as well causing the rise in cases to restart.
I believe vitamin D has a part to play too. People cooped up indoors and little to no sunlight to provide the natural vitamin D that the immune system craves.
For the pennies that vitamin D supplements cost and the fact they're perfectly safe when correct dosage is taken then what's the harm? I've been taking supplements for months now and I haven't had as much as a sniffle this winter though social distancing, masks and increased hand washing etc would play a part in that too.