Out of interest, what do we think it was that made the AstraZeneca vaccine’s reputation turn so bad all of a sudden? Even before the blood clots, and even before things like the EU supply row, a lot of the news stories about it, and its general reputation among the public, seemed to suddenly become quite negative for no apparent reason, and it’s in very stark contrast to last year.
In 2020, AstraZeneca was all over the news, and in a very positive light too. You could hardly move without hearing about how Oxford University and AstraZeneca were developing a vaccine that would “save the world”, and there was a hell of a lot of hype around their product (in Britain, at least). By contrast, some of the other current high-profile candidates were far more of a drop in the ocean, and received far less excitement and press coverage; you barely heard anything about the likes of Moderna, for instance, and I hadn’t even heard of Pfizer prior to them releasing their phase 3 trial results. In 2020, most of the discussion surrounding COVID vaccines seemed to begin and end with Oxford/AstraZeneca’s vaccine, with none of the others really getting a look in.
But then all of a sudden, the climate turned very negative for AstraZeneca’s vaccine, and I can’t quite work out when or why. Even during the initial phases of Britain’s vaccine rollout, I still heard stories of people only wanting the AstraZeneca vaccine and rejecting the Pfizer because they only wanted a British vaccine, so this must have been a fairly recent development.
I’m struggling to work out why this is. Is it because the AZ vaccine was less effective than initially hoped, or is it just because the competition ended up being far more effective than expected? Compared to the scientists’ original predictions of the first COVID vaccines having only 50-60% efficacy against symptomatic disease and very limited transmission blocking abilities, the AstraZeneca vaccine still comes out leagues ahead (76% efficacy against symptomatic disease in the recent US trial, and thought to reduce transmission by between 50% and 67%), so is it just that the unexpectedly high efficacy of the vaccines from the likes of Pfizer and Moderna is skewing the world’s perceptions of effectiveness? Or is it genuinely because the AstraZeneca vaccine is less effective than originally hoped?
Or is it for a different reason entirely?
What do you guys think?