So you have freedom day(revision 2)July 19th. With all the self isolation in effect until August 16th(and any other revisions)After that local councils will have control over shutting down business or telling you to wear masks again.That’s the stupidity of it and why nobody really thought that one through.
I agree it’s not fair to do it before but it kind of leaves 4/5 weeks in limbo where everything is open but yet basically everyone could get buzzed and told to isolate.
Sept 2021 we will still have schools self isolating and pushing for under 18s to get vaccinated.
Anyone who thinks it acceptable to give a child a vaccine that hasn’t been approved/cleared til 2023 is off their head or doesn’t have a child.
Children do get covid but are not likely to die!
Yes they may pass it on(show me the data) but it’s NOT the responsibility of our children to protect others! That’s unethical
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