TS Member
You're going to be livid when you find out how they want to tackle voter fraud.
Hint, it's required ID when voting.
The almost non-existant voter fraud.
You're going to be livid when you find out how they want to tackle voter fraud.
Hint, it's required ID when voting.
No because the government already has my data and I’m voting for the government. I vote by post with all the registration needed, but thanks for the concern.You're going to be livid when you find out how they want to tackle voter fraud.
Hint, it's required ID when voting.
The almost non-existant voter fraud.
No because the government already has my data and I’m voting for the government. I vote by post with all the registration needed, but thanks for the concern.
We are not talking about voting,we are taking about getting into the pub/club and using the same digital passport with medical information linked to that account.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We already have one, we were given a vaccination card when we got vaccinated. I scanned my for a copy and then laminated the original which I carry around. What more proof do they need to prove that you have been double jabbed?
The paper card is easily forged, I had to write my own name on it! It is only a record of the batch number you were given and a back up for the electronic record really. For travel purposes the electronic record is much better to show it was actually you that got the vaccine.
Yes that was my point in response to Roy.The paper card isn’t proof, you either need the NHS app or a printed certificate from 111.
You can get a certificate from the NHS website or calling 119 and selecting the ‘NHS COVID Pass service’ option (111 is for non-emergency medical advice). Full details here.The paper card isn’t proof, you either need the NHS app or a printed certificate from 111.
18,000 actually, to be precise.Rumours are abound that outdoor crowds of more than 20,000 will qualify for proof of vaccination.
18,000 actually, to be precise.
Ahh I see, thanks for clarifying Craig. The source I read mentioned 18,000.You can't be precise with a rumour. To clear this up though, there's multiple outlets mentioning different figures, mainly because it's all just rumours and backdoor briefings at the moment. There's been no official rules on vaccine certification with events so far, as there are no laws in place that legislate for it at present. Case in point, two different outlets, two different stories:
Football fans will need two Covid jabs to attend games with 16,000+ fans from September (The Star)
Vaccination proof may be required to attend sports events of about 20,000 or more capacity (BBC News)