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Coronavirus - The Poll

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Not really. It's not the governments job to just give everyone handouts for an unlimited period of time. It doesn't 'have to' do that. Nature has dealt a cruel blow by this virus spreading around the globe and it's very unlucky for a lot of people that their industries have been effected more than others. Unless you meant that it's the fault of the government for actually shutting everything down in the first place (a view that I have some sympathy for). The economy will not just 'come back' either, the working man will be paying through the nose through various taxes etc for many years to pay for all of the people/companies being bailed out at the moment. Brexit pails into an absolute insignificance now whichever side you're on.
The government imposed the lockdown so it's absolutely up to them to ensure people can pay their rent and put food on the table during that time.
the only way out of that then is mass genocide of the entire world population o_O

You don't know what genocide is, do you?!
Regardless of the circumstances of its origin this is a natural virus doing what viruses do and have done for all of time. The government are not infecting people, the virus is infecting people. No government can stop the force of nature, they can make attempts to manage and mitigate it, but not stop it.

The long term correct response is something there is no 'right' answer to. A decision that leads to the premature death of just one person is obviously not the right decision to that person, but how much damage should you do to the quality of life, and very likely life expectancy, of the rest of the population to delay the death of that person? Especially someone who may not have long left in any case?

I suppose the biggest risk is ending up with the worst of both worlds.
Horrible decisions to have to make, especially on this scale, and I don't envy those having to make it.

Appreciate I’m putting you on the spot but in the situation of idiots destroying mobile masts, is that considered an act of terrorism?

The sudden appearance of anti 5G nonsense shows how easy it is for the paranoid and idiotic to be turned by anything.

It's a shame bluesonic has fallen down this hole. But they've proven their problems over the last few years.

I don't think the government did a good enough job of alleviating concerns either. But clearly as evidenced by the public, a lot of people don't really understand why we're in lockdown or even following the protocols in place for safety.

Now Queenie is addressing the nation tomorrow. Doubt she'll help much given the divisive nature of the royal family.
I think the government is trying its very hardest to help those who need it, to be fair to them. They're paying 80% of wages in order to prevent permanent job loss under the furlough scheme, and as I'd imagine people are spending less money at the moment on average (lower petrol costs due to home working, not spending income on things like eating out etc.), then that's a pretty good situation compared to permanent job loss. They've also suspended business rates until the end of the year, and started a loan scheme to help those businesses who need money to tide them over, as well as announcing measures to help the self-employed. As far as damage mitigation for the economy goes, I think the government is doing as much as it can.

It might also be worth me saying that I read an article saying that the way of paying for all this might not be entirely through the taxpayer. Apparently, this could be an opportunity for the government to use an anonymous £500m donation from 1928 known as the National Fund, and there was also something to do with cashing in loans or something like that. Michael Gove has hinted at a fresh round of austerity when this is over, however, so I'm not sure if I really know what to expect, which is very worrying to me.

As @pluk said, though, I'm not really sure there's a right or wrong way to deal with this type of situation. Regardless of what's done, there will ultimately be consequences. The herd immunity route results in more deaths, but a more stable economy. Lockdown results in less deaths, but a less stable economy. I think the world's governments are stuck between a rock and a hard place here.

Appreciate I’m putting you on the spot but in the situation of idiots destroying mobile masts, is that considered an act of terrorism?


The reason is key to terrorism, is it to further a political, religious or racial ideology? Probably not, unless they are trying to promote stupidity as an ideology!

Arson or criminal damage over £5000, possibly with life enraged depending on the circs, will be your charge.
No, we will find a vaccine, or, I think before that we will find a suitable treatment that works... We just have to wait a bit longer
Some treatments are being trialled in countries like India using existing drugs, and they are working, so it might not be as long as we think!
Not sure if I posted this here, I don't think I did. The graphic on this article that shows the cases over time is incredible and quite mind boggling.

Not least because, for a period, the second place 'country' with the most number of cases is a cruise ship.
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Some treatments are being trialled in countries like India using existing drugs, and they are working, so it might not be as long as we think!

Unfortunately you keep hearing this story every week and then you never hear anything again. It's almost as if it's good PR for your pharmaceutical company/country to announce its working on a cure.

HydroxyChloroquine has been championed in a few trials, a small trial in France said 78 out of 80 recovered in less than 5 days and then nothing announced since.

Love your optimism as always Matt but be careful of falling into the trap of thinking there will be a quick fix. Even if we found a cure today it would take months to even get it produced. That's kind of why everyone is pinning their hopes on something already in circulation like HydroxyChloroquine.
Most recent economic forecasts seem to have shifted from gloomy to absolutely bloody awful.
Comparison to the nineteen twenties crash.
Markets dont like the unknown, and it will be hard to recover the service sector, due to hard recession, which is the vast majority of our industry.
Dont like this virus very much.
Most recent economic forecasts seem to have shifted from gloomy to absolutely bloody awful.
Comparison to the nineteen twenties crash.
Markets dont like the unknown, and it will be hard to recover the service sector, due to hard recession, which is the vast majority of our industry.
Dont like this virus very much.

Maybe the world can sue China for damages. Although to be fair, the UK were far too slow in preparing for this. We saw it coming in January, there is no excuse for the delay in getting PPE out to medics.
Pretty sure some septics have already tried to bring a class action suit against China...
Pretty sure some septics have already tried to bring a class action suit against China...
Yes, and many megachurch-running septic morons have insisted on running their church services, saying they're essential. Well, I tell Kenneth Copeland and his ilk this. Thousands of churches have closed their doors to stop any potential spread of coronavirus. The vast majority of them are small, with probably less than 1% of the attendance yours get. And yet your ego means you still think you can keep on meeting and praying for a cure? Well, it's a shame we're not in the Tavern here, or I'd tell you what I really think about you and your pathetically poisoned so-called 'Christian' ideology. Christ, I'm certain that my father (a minister in the Methodist Church for over 25 years), my mother (a local preacher in the Methodist Church for 25 years), and my elder brother (also a minister in the Methodist Church for just over a year, and a local preacher for several years before that) would decry your rhetoric as pathetically and inherently flawed. Was it not said in 1 Timothy 6:10 that "the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil"? Just stop. Seriously, just stop. Put your ego to the side for one flipping minute and give some serious thought to what is an incredibly important issue. Acting so incredibly deluded will undoubtedly get you nowhere in life, and I bet you any money that when you arrive at the Pearly Gates, you'll be cast down into the depths of hell for your pride.