I might be in the minority on this but I don't agree with the decision to close. As terrible as the events of Friday were and whilst being respectful to the dead, I think it's also important to be thick skinned in some ways. Surely the best way to get past something like this is for everyone to get up and carry on as if nothing has changed. If the whole country goes into a state of mourning and everything shuts down for a number of days, the attackers have got exactly what they wanted.
If this had been something like an air disaster or a building collapse, there's no way DLP would be closing. So why let a few idiots create this sense of fear, sadness and paranoia. They've already done enough damage, people shouldn't have their holiday plans ruined because of it.
I feel it's another example of how powerful and out of control modern media has become. It just amplifies hysteria and turns everything into a needless melodrama.