Eh, at least BTM is getting some seriousely work. It is a shame about Space Mountain though, the original attraction does look miles better. 
So all those thinking the debt buyout equated to increased investment were wrong if SMM2 refurb is cut due to budget
So all those thinking the debt buyout equated to increased investment were wrong if SMM2 refurb is cut due to budget
Until a new attraction is announced alongside the refurbs I remain sceptical. The park(s) need an enhanced line-up the most, the refurbs should be happening as standard to maintain the Disney standardYour almost certainly right, but it's possible the budget is being used for something else. Other than the ride "roughness" SM was one of the better looking parts of the park.
I just fail to understand how this park loses so much money - it attracts so many visitors who all pay a small bloody fortune to go, how can they still be struggling!? Is it all just operating costs or is there something larger at play here? The place has all the makings of a gold mine, I cannot work out how the resort fails to perform in so many ways.
I thought Big Thunder Mountain was supposed to be closed for a year?
Work on BTM is the most needed of all the coasters at DLP.
It breaks down so often.
Removing a train should help, the system was badly set up originally and I believe if the ops don't dispatch quick enough it causes the brake down
Surely just running on four trains ultimately would mean more throughput with less breakdowns?
I have no idea though. Never been. NO idea about the ride at all.