The problem you have is, Merlin started whacking resort status on anything and everything with a pulse a decade or so ago. This not only in my opinion, cheapened what the public perceives a resort to be, but also means that other places need to put resort on their product to help stand up against them.
I am pretty sure the public perceive things with a resort status as a superior product. Even though, in this country, in most cases as we know, they are usually not. Or, not hugely superior at least. I am surprised it has taken Drayton this long to start using the term to be fair.
But they do also have a large Golf Course set in the DMP grounds. But for most guests to the 'resort' that would be an irrelevant offering.
But the bottom line is this, Merlin set the precedent by whacking resort on anything they could get away with whacking it on. Almost forcing the competition to play the game.