Went on The Haunting a couple of times yesterday, here's a breakdown/review of the ride seen as there's not been a deal of fanfare about it, Drayton should of really advertised it as a new thing, anyway...
R.I.P.A Truck - Dr Ghostman introduces himself and thanks you for taking part in the experiment into proving the existence of paranormal activity, he says he will keep in radio contact throughout the vicarage and for you to input 'Yes' or 'No' into the data retrieval system on your way out so they can keep a record of whether you think paranormal activity has occurred.
Skeleton Corridor - Dr Ghostman radios in and says they are already receiving high levels of activity above you, at which point a brief build up through low rumbling audio is heard followed by skeletons swooping over above you and a blast of smoke at the end of the corridor, although the smoke machine wasn't working yesterday. He then tells you to move on.
Portrait Room - The ghostly vicar reveals himself in the portrait and urges you to leave so he can rid the house of fear, following which an apparition will start roaming around the ceiling and he declares vengeance, stating you will become trapped in stone as he is. This room also hosts some new effects such as mirrors on the wall falling towards you and the projections on the portrait and ceiling . More subtle effects include billowing cobwebs and the vicars swivel chair moving as the show starts. Although the vampire animatronic from the original version is no more, the lights under the floorboards and the bodies of the previous paranormal crew members suspended in the ceiling have been retained, shown as the vicar becomes more aggressive. The show ends with Dr Ghostman radioing in saying there getting the highest levels of activity they have ever seen and tells you to move on to the safety of the chapel.
The Chapel - As you pass through either corridor you pass a moving eye portrait displayed on a screen (This is the same portrait in each corridor). The madhouse itself now hosts black lighting and strobe lighting which is set in time with the music, as well as projections of another spirit that appears on either side of the chapel. The central tomb plumes smoke sporadically and at the climax of the sequence the lid slides open and the arm of the vicars corpse reaches out through the smoke as evil laughter is heard (this replaces the bats from the original version and does not appear to be working in the TPWW video.) Dr Ghostman radios in and says they have now more than enough evidence to go by and reminds you to input your answer into the data retrieval system on the way out. This narration is also present in the exit corridors so you don't miss it which is a nice touch. The amount of yes's or no's are displayed on a bar chart on a screen, though the screens weren't working on my visit.
So all in all it's very good and the different scenes are all tied together nicely now with a beginning, middle and end, whereas the original version lacked finality. The musty smells, smoke and Midnight Syndicate audio create a consistent ambiance and although the projections are all premade, such as from AtmosFX, they lend themselves to the ride nicely. My only gripe would be the vicars motive isn't entirely clear, and isn't clear whether it's supposed to be his arm in the tomb, just my interpretation. This is probably due to the evil laughter not suiting his previous narration.
Anyway Iv'e said a lot, just hope they maintain all the effects and have lots of smoke fluid on stand by, go ride it if you get the chance