They not allowed to built another coaster on that site.The fact that Shockwave’s station was painted isn’t in any way a sign that the ride will be staying. Their plan could be to remove the coaster but keep the station building for other purposes. It could even be used as a station for a potential new coaster.
Would they even be able to retrack shockwave at some point?
Good point, I was more thinking along the lines of submitting a planning application. I don’t know if they’d have any issues with that as well?I mean if they pay enough someone will fabricate the track but it will be expensive as Intamin don’t make that track style so it would be a custom project.
This is surely not actually true at this point.They not allowed to built another coaster on that site.
Good point, I was more thinking along the lines of submitting a planning application. I don’t know if they’d have any issues with that as well?
Colin said at 1 of his talks at a ECC meets . The locals moaned about the noise and tried to get it closed so they wouldn’t have that problem again filled the track of G-Force with sand.I am pretty certain the deal with Shockwave is that they could build another coaster on the site.
The issue comes specifically with the turnaround after the double corkscrew. That turnaround goes closer to deer park houses than the planners and residents originally realised. A total oversight on their behalf. So I suspect if a different coaster was ever to be built, they would just have to pull it in a bit from that turnaround. Still absolutely loads of room for coaster which they absolutely would get planning permission for.
Not sure where that rumour started about them not being able to build another coaster there, it is only the turnaround back to the station that was an issue for the planners and residents.
It has been said in the past, that if they were to try and get Shockwave built now, due to said turnaround it would almost certainly be denied. That is probably where the confusion comes from.
I don't want to be abut why do people buy houses next to parks then bemoan the noise.
The housing has a good portion of council housing around that area (Deer Park) So I guess some residents would not have a choice in where the chose to live.