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Drayton Manor Park

Really? Must’ve missed it. Doesn’t look anywhere near intense enough for 1.2

I can’t remember where it was announced tbh so it’s possible I’m misremembering.

The ride seems similar to Thirteen though which is also 1.2m so perhaps Intamin consider that the minimum requirement for launches.
Obviously very early days as that's the first video we've seen of a full circuit test but from that video alone it looks incredibly underwhelming I have to say.

I was thinking of a visit to ride this as I haven't been to the park now for a good few years but I'm now having my doubts tbh. It doesn't look intense enough for me to justify the journey and entry fee which is a real shame.
Obviously not the best nor clearest video but it doesn’t look particularly quick or exciting. Not going to let a 2 minute video form my judgement though, look forward to seeing more progress with it, still looks like a fair bit to do.
This is exactly the point. This is a new coaster for a family park, that has just converted their thrill stand up to a family-thrill sit down. They are not trying to compete with towers, they are trying to reach the family market, and as such the coaster is designed for that. Drayton fully intend and expect young children to go on it. They are not catering for the enthusiast or thrill market, this is aimed to draw in families and complement the rest of the park. I am personally really excited for this, as it seems quite unique for the UK.
I was thinking it could do 2 cycle versions.

1) lift hill, Launch backwards, lift hill, launch forwards, station this will be when it’s not super busy

2) Lift Hill, Pre show launch then forwards into the station when it’s busy.

Victoria Lynn did say no 2nd ride would be the same if you rode it in the morning then late afternoon/evening.
I know "looks slow" has become a cliché, but it really does look slow. Certainly slower than Thirteen, and that's with the drop being trimmed. Comparing this to Minifigure Speedway (a ride aimed at the same market) it also looks slow.

The second half looks a bit better (I'm also sure that lift launches the train back). But there's not a lot of ride in between each stop. I can't help but think they've tried to recreate Hong Kong's Grizzly Mountain but without the space or the themeing.

We'll have to wait and see, but I think this ride sounded more interesting in concept that it's shapping out to be.
I can’t remember where it was announced tbh so it’s possible I’m misremembering.

The ride seems similar to Thirteen though which is also 1.2m so perhaps Intamin consider that the minimum requirement for launches.
Considering that Futuroscope's Objectif Mars is 1.1m accompanied and 1.2m unaccompanied, I'd say that it'll be very similar

Movie Park Studio Tour would also be a good comparison as well and they seem to have a similar height requirement (according to Coasterpedia, it's 1.1m accompanied and 1.3m alone)

I'd be surprised if the minimum height for the new Frontier Falls coaster isn't 1.1m as it fits like a glove between The Wave and everything else.
I see from the video some of the theming that’s gone in place was originally in the shockwave queue area before the area was re-themed to adventure cove.
Also do u think they testing out different launch speeds and cause the train isn’t fully loaded could that have a factor in the speed it takes the circuit.
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I’d say I’m more intrigued by this coaster than massively excited for it. It’s clearly very unique and different, and I’m interested to see how it turns out, but it’s not currently hitting the radar in terms of things I’m properly excited to ride this year in the same way that, say, Hyperia is.

I’m sure it’ll be a good, fun ride for the target demographic of the park, and I fully accept that I’m not the target demographic of this ride, but for me, I would definitely lump my current feelings towards this coaster under “intrigued” rather than overly “excited”.

I felt similarly about Mandrill Mayhem at Chessington before I rode that last year, as that was a similarly unique, family thrill targeted ride. I will make no secret of the fact that I was quite underwhelmed by Mandrill, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that I’ll feel the same towards Drayton’s new ride.

Nonetheless, I’ll definitely return to ride it later this year, and it’ll be interesting to see how this one turns out!
I think it will be the theming and effects that will be the main pull for this ride.
Really can see it open on the 18th for a media event and then to Annual pass holders on the morning of the 19th with it open to everyone maybe 12.30 on wards.
I’m really surprised to see people already judging this is slow and dull on the basis of own test video.

Coasters often look slow in their first test runs. I remember seeing Smiler testing back in May 2013 and it was creeping around the track. This is fairly common and it’s far too early to assume that this bears resblence to how it will ride.
I’m really surprised to see people already judging this is slow and dull on the basis of own test video.

Coasters often look slow in their first test runs. I remember seeing Smiler testing back in May 2013 and it was creeping around the track. This is fairly common and it’s far too early to assume that this bears resblence to how it will ride.
But obsessively overanalyzing rides and theme parks is what we do best. :( Just wait until fencing goes in, that's when it'll get real spicy.

It does look slow but yeah, it's testing, that's part and parcel. I'm hoping they at least go all out with landscaping and theming elements.
Pay Online | £7 - You can pay for your car parking ticket prior to your visit by adding this onto your booking – you will be prompted to enter your car registration at the end of your booking process. Please ensure you travel in the same car of which you have enter the registration, and the barriers will allow you to access/exit the car park without having to take a ticket.
  • Pay on the Day | £9.50 - If you’d prefer to pay for your parking on the day, please take a ticket from the barrier system upon entry when you arrive at the park. You can then pay at one of our pay stations located by the Main entrance, outside Guest Services & next to The Sweet Shop entrance any time during your visit.
Can’t believe they done that. They really taking the mick as the car park in a worst state then ever.