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Drayton Manor Park

So the parks now got 3 1m height restrictions coasters in the park.
I wonder cause all them other coasters listed above have a 1.2m height restriction. Drayton claiming it’s the only coaster that features all them elements on a 1m height restriction.
Now my son would be happy it been a 1m height requirement but is it gonna be more thrilling than Accelerator.
If the height restriction is 1m, then this is looking to be quite an impressive ride for that height restriction demographic! My favourite UK coasters I can think of with a height restriction that low are Storm Chaser and Flight of the Pterosaur at Paultons Park; if Gold Rush is anything like as good as those family coasters, then I think Drayton are onto a winner!

1m is a pleasant surprise; I was honestly anticipating 1.2m. Not that it really affects me either way, being a 5'10" adult with no kids... but I think it's nice for younger kids to have access to something of this calibre!
Definitely a pleasant surprise, I'd been expecting 1.1m 😮 Potentially up there as one of the most thrilling 1m rollercoaster around like Storm Chaser and Colorado Adventure ☺️
I wonder what will the long term future of Maelstrom and the dodgems will be with it been 1.3m to ride Maelstrom and 1.45m to drive the dodgems. Really to your kids to at least 1.3m Drayton and Paulton’s is perfect for the 8’s and under with the over 9’s onwards going to Alton and Thorpe park instead.
Does anyone know the prices for the Garden Room Buffet? My best friend is going in the summer hols for her first ever visit and the web page doesn't state the prices.
I wonder what will the long term future of Maelstrom and the dodgems will be with it been 1.3m to ride Maelstrom and 1.45m to drive the dodgems. Really to your kids to at least 1.3m Drayton and Paulton’s is perfect for the 8’s and under with the over 9’s onwards going to Alton and Thorpe park instead.
It doesn’t matter at all that Maelstrom is a 1.3m ride, even if a park wants to reposition itself towards the family market it’s fine to a have a flat ride or two that is a bit more thrilling and has a higher height restriction. Eagles Claw at Lightwater Valley and Cyclonator at Paulton’s are good examples of that. Maelstrom is one of the best flat rides in the country, the park aren’t going to get rid of it and you can see that it’s a very popular, it’s a key ride for them.
I wonder what will the long term future of Maelstrom and the dodgems will be with it been 1.3m to ride Maelstrom and 1.45m to drive the dodgems. Really to your kids to at least 1.3m Drayton and Paulton’s is perfect for the 8’s and under with the over 9’s onwards going to Alton and Thorpe park instead.
I remember Maelstrom being name dropped as one they're keeping for the foreseeable as it fitted into their "Family Thrill" market.

With the Dodgems, they could easily review the height requirement or give it an overhaul so the height requirement is a bit more fitting to the market.

Stormforce 10, the other ride with the 1.3m height requirement - that probably just needs an adjustment of the height requirement to 1.2m or a refurbishment to enable such a change

I can see Drayton Manor adding the odd thrilling ride or coaster every now and then to maintain a core offering (much like with Air Race).
As a dungeon master, I like to think I can do plenty of voices on the fly.
I am also acutely aware of what kind of accents I can or cannot do.
There's a reason I've only once attempted to voice an NPC with an American accent.

Do what you can do. Don't try what you know you cannot.