Photos of Duel's queue from TS:
Definitely, I think could at least have brought back some of the atmosphere that made it to begin with and something people worth seeing.Would have been better to rip the entire room down and start from scratch with a new accessible queue and all new props?
No it’s not, it’s allowing wheelchair users to go on.If Wardley has a grave he would be turning on it
Shocking decision ....
The ride was accessible beforeNo it’s not, it’s allowing wheelchair users to go on.
I think that there is no reason wheelchair users shouldn’t be offered the same entrance, if the attraction was being installed now I would expect a level main entrance. Wheelchair users will definitely get a better experience compared to fighting their way in via the exit, now they get to see that experiance. But the props and queue route shouldn’t have suffered to allow this.Or even just leave it as was
Yeah I agree - especially visiting with someone in a wheelchair! Let’s be honest it’s only changed because of COVID as we had to go through the shop and basically past everyone which wasn’t possible last year so I believe that’s why they’ve changed it. Before anyone says “but restrictions on distancing won’t last forever” we don’t know where we’ll be in October when I visit with my cousin in a wheelchair. Things might be back to normal, they might not, we just don’t know. I personally don’t see it as an issue - Duel never has a queue when I visit with with my friends using the normal queue that actually makes me pay attention to it anyway, as it’s just a walk on. Maybe it’s nostalgia for people or whatever, but I literally just don’t see this one as a big deal.I don’t know whether it’s the fact that I never saw that room in its “heyday” so to speak, but I still don’t really see a huge problem with it, personally. To me, it looks mostly the same, just with the furniture items reversed. It still has that “angled” look that it’s always had, through my eyes.
For the most part, I’m just glad that wheelchair users are now able to experience the indoor queue line!
Hang on, am I reading this right? They've got rid of the uneven floor in the indoor queue? What!?
TowersStreet put some on Facebook and they were copied into the general thread.If anyones visiting any time soon, please get a picture!