I am a Villa fan, and I think I will cheer Bradford from now on!!
They showed courage, organisation, defensive strategy, and they played as a team - something we are most certainly not doing right now!!
I think Paul Lambert is the man for Villa, is dignified, and determined, but you could see by the look of his face, he wanted to tear that squad a new one tonight, he looked furious and embarrassed!
Norwich proved, it's not Lambert. Right now, we are not Villa, the founder members of the entire football league system! There would be no premier league without us!
Though we had chances to score, Duke their keeper was personally congratulated by Guzan at the end for some brilliant goalkeeping, you do not hammer 3 Premier League teams by accident.
Villa Park will be a different animal entirely, just see Blackburn semi-final from a couple of seasons ago, for how our club is at it's best.
I hope we go through, but turning that courageous, spirited, and actually quite skillful Bradford City team will be no easy going, that's for sure.
Congratulations to them, if they do beat us and get to Wembley, most Villa fans I know would pat them on the back and cheer them along, no matter how annoyed as Villa fans we may be.
Long way to go yet though! ;D