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Football Discussion

Every quarter will be a cracker - this World Cup is just the gift that keeps on giving!

I'll need some kind of emotional support group once it's over to get me through the withdrawal symptoms!
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At least once it's over the new football season will only be a month away! I'll be getting to some pre-season friendlies to cope with the gap! :p
At least once it's over the new football season will only be a month away! I'll be getting to some pre-season friendlies to cope with the gap! :p
Alright for you, preparing to watch a season of Premier League football... :(
Well that game was a bit of a let down. If France had actually decided to have a go from the off it could have been a great game and they'd have had a real chance. Instead they were scared of the Germans and it cost them. Hope the game later is better!

Mmm, so we are left with Germany, Brazil, Netherlands and Argentina. I kinda think it'll be tight with both games, though it could be a final with Brazil vs Argentina or Germany vs Netherlands. Just that thought makes it all the more exciting.
I'm hoping for a Germany v Netherlands final myself, but Brazil v Argentina would be just as good.
It's a cracking semi-final line up, I really can't wait. This World Cup has also proven what a master tactician Van Gaal is, United fans must be pleased as it's clear they're going to do better than last season.

Ridiculous! Brazil capitulated completely and utterly. Obviously not helped by their playing of two of the worst forward players in world football (Fred and Hulk). Still, it proves that without Neymar they are nothing.
I'm watching the game on iPlayer now, and I'm just astounded by it. Brazil were woeful, and they were punished with true German efficiency. With no Neymar Jr and no Thiago Silva, I didn't expect Brazil to win. I thought Germany would have a margin of maybe one or two goals, but this? I'm honestly astounded.
It was quite incredible. I have watched a lot of football games over the years but that has to be the most crazy one I have seen! Brazil were dire in all departments; the one goal that they did score completely flattered them. Germany however were immense; clinical, efficient, strong and unforgiving.

I hope tonights game is another cracker!

I am blaming @Rob after his post :p

This game was always going to struggle to live up to the hype, after the previous match.

Its going to be an interesting final, which hopefully won't be one sided, with both teams getting on the score sheet.

I think you have to side with the German to win, fresher legs, higher spirt, and better players, but you never know.

I did appear to curse it! :p It was an awful game last night, one of the worst I have seen for a long while. It was just so boring!

As for the final, it looks good. On paper the German's should win and if they play like they did the other night then they have every chance. However I have a sneaky feeling that Argentina will win it in Brazil's back yard. Messi can't be as bad as he was last night.

Suarez may be a knob, but he was exciting to watch, so I guess I'll miss him playing in the prem. Tbh I think Liverpool could be better off without him though, if the money gets spent on strengthening the defence & midfield instead of just blowing it on someone like Cavani, Sturridge is good enough to play on his own upfront imo, and the money would be better spent on the rest of the team.