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The downside if this story of Towers having gotten three flat rides from Huss is the truth that they might have all gotten like for like rides out of nostalgia sake if Toxy is anything to go by because for all we know an Enterprise and Pirate Ship might have been included with the deal.I think there’s an appetite for a flat ride that isn’t a direct replacement of one we’ve already had. We’ve seen the complaints that Toxicator is just Ripsaw (which isn’t fully valid), but it does express an appetite for something that isn’t a spiritual successor.
We’ve not really seen anything ‘brand’ new since Wicker Man since 2018, the park has been modernising and updating what already existed on the lineup and I think it contributes to a sense that Alton Towers is stagnating, as needed as that investment has been.
So even if they want to try to get away from the nostalgia baiting some are bemoaning them, they can't as they've already rubbered stamp the ride models in question and have to go along with it. Though I don't care if we have another Enterprise, anything to help with capacity is needed in this moment in time.