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Future Flat Ride Speculation

I think there’s an appetite for a flat ride that isn’t a direct replacement of one we’ve already had. We’ve seen the complaints that Toxicator is just Ripsaw (which isn’t fully valid), but it does express an appetite for something that isn’t a spiritual successor.

We’ve not really seen anything ‘brand’ new since Wicker Man since 2018, the park has been modernising and updating what already existed on the lineup and I think it contributes to a sense that Alton Towers is stagnating, as needed as that investment has been.
The downside if this story of Towers having gotten three flat rides from Huss is the truth that they might have all gotten like for like rides out of nostalgia sake if Toxy is anything to go by because for all we know an Enterprise and Pirate Ship might have been included with the deal.

So even if they want to try to get away from the nostalgia baiting some are bemoaning them, they can't as they've already rubbered stamp the ride models in question and have to go along with it. Though I don't care if we have another Enterprise, anything to help with capacity is needed in this moment in time.
The downside if this story of Towers having gotten three flat rides from Huss is the truth that they might have all gotten like for like rides out of nostalgia sake if Toxy is anything to go by because for all we know an Enterprise and Pirate Ship might have been included with the deal.

So even if they want to try to get away from the nostalgia baiting some are bemoaning them, they can't as they've already rubbered stamp the ride models in question and have to go along with it. Though I don't care if we have another Enterprise, anything to help with capacity is needed in this moment in time.

Think is - they are both good solid flat rides. No issues with me if they go down this route. But I do think a ‘new’ ride type is needed soon.
The downside if this story of Towers having gotten three flat rides from Huss is the truth that they might have all gotten like for like rides out of nostalgia sake if Toxy is anything to go by because for all we know an Enterprise and Pirate Ship might have been included with the deal.

So even if they want to try to get away from the nostalgia baiting some are bemoaning them, they can't as they've already rubbered stamp the ride models in question and have to go along with it. Though I don't care if we have another Enterprise, anything to help with capacity is needed in this moment in time.
I wouldnt say no to a replacement pirate ship though. Nostalgia be damned. It’s got good PPH. Low height requirement. Can be put up super quickly. Doesn’t need much theming .

Huss do have quite a few flats with 1k+ PPH so hopefully one of those also
I’m not opposed to replacing blade like for like possibly in mutiny bay. For the 3rd ride I’d love to see something completely new though and probably to open at the same time.

Imagine an indoor Huss magic in gloomy wood -

Or even outdoor in x sector would be cool!

& a booster revolution in dark forest would be absolute chefs kiss

We’ve not had either a Gyroswing or a Sombrero/Polyp-style ride at least in any significant capacity in recent years.

Not to mention other concepts like a shot tower or anything from the Zamperla catalogue. Loads of reliable options out there, we just don’t want them to go with some concept flat that will suffer loads of downtime.

Also other supporting attractions they could add such as the return of an ice show or circus that can absorb large crowds and could easily be outsourced and provided around peak season.

Most of Zamperlas output is utter crap
Outside of a Disko (non hump model) or a Rockin' Tug (which they not only have but the Zierer is also arguably better) I wouldn't bother with Zamperla.
Regarding flats other than stuff from Huss, am I the only who feels that an Intamin Twin Hammer would be a great ride to have in say on the Submission site?

Would be similar to Submission but would be different enough and likely a better and very rare ride to have in which IIRC only two are in the world.
Regarding flats other than stuff from Huss, am I the only who feels that an Intamin Twin Hammer would be a great ride to have in say on the Submission site?

Would be similar to Submission but would be different enough and likely a better and very rare ride to have in which IIRC only two are in the world.
That's a good shout, although the GP would probably moan that it was similar to Toxicator/Ripsaw 😜🤦‍♂️
X Sector:
Twin hammer on the submission site.
Indoor breakdance on the enterprise site (with lots of AV bells and whistles)

Dark Forest:
Depends on the future of Rita as to the wider area but an Intamin “Dynamic Motion Base” in the style of Danse Macabre would suit that location and needs of the park so much. Maybe on the old Ug Swinger site.

Mutiny Bay:
Huss Pirate Ship in the corner of MB. That would then complete any alleged three ride deal.
Then maybe new “covered” family flat in the centre of the courtyard? Could use one of the unused building as a queue/pre show and add another covered attraction to the park. Particularly if the ride allows for a centre “tent” pole to be installed.

The problem is given current investment rates this is 6 years worth of investment. They’ve done a great job with toxicator but it’s not enough.
The problem is given current investment rates this is 6 years worth of investment. They’ve done a great job with toxicator but it’s not enough.
What impetus do they have of installing more than 1 ride a year? Something new to market every season.
If they went with a gyro swing for Blade's plot Intamin would be better, although the Zamperla version has a more appropriate height restriction for Blade's replacement (1.2 compared to 1.4 for the Intamin version).
Intamin's is 1.3m which is better than the line up in Forbidden Valley anyway.

I personally think a Disko Coaster may be a clever addition to the Blade pit in my opinion.
Intamin's is 1.3m which is better than the line up in Forbidden Valley anyway.

I personally think a Disko Coaster may be a clever addition to the Blade pit in my opinion.
Towers don't do 1.3 though, so it would be upped to 1.4 (Spinjam was the same, for example).
What impetus do they have of installing more than 1 ride a year? Something new to market every season.

Something to market for March to July and then for the busiest period of the year.

Events should then take care of Sep/Oct/Nov/Dec

Jan/Feb for small/indoor and non ride attractions (events/shows/water park/mini golf/VIP tours/sharkbait reef/towers tours/garden tours etc)
Not sure FV needs it (now that it’s gone anyway)

Ideally every area has something for everyone but that can wait.

Even without blade. And even if Galactica is ripped out and not replaced. It’s still the most complete area of the park.
Not sure FV needs it (now that it’s gone anyway)

Ideally every area has something for everyone but that can wait.

Even without blade. And even if Galactica is ripped out and not replaced. It’s still the most complete area of the park.

Whilst I agree on the completeness view. That’s surely down to the rest of the park being relatively poor?

A blade replacement - family at - and a galactica retheme / spruce up would complete it.
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Towers don't do 1.3 though, so it would be upped to 1.4 (Spinjam was the same, for example).
I'm not sure that's an official thing or if that's Merlin having the height requirements higher than recommended which is what they tended to do i.e. Croc Drop.

With more modern rides, they are starting to skew towards 1.2m and 1.3m so I wouldn't be surprised if Towers has a 1.3m ride soon.

I was very surprised Hyperia is a 1.3m as I was expecting it to be 1.4m following the same trend as before.