The whole "VR vs reality" debate extends to more than just rides. (Tangent incomming...)
When I was building my flight sim last year, many people asked me variations on,
"What's the point? Just get a VR headset, it's cheaper."
The point is that they are
missing the whole point of the hobby! Aside from the fact that half the fun is building it in the first place, the whole point of simming is to recreate a
physical environment. Most importantly, you want to be as close to reality as possible. Real, physical controls with tactile feedback. Hundreds of switches in a known location, so that after a while muscle memory lets you fly with ease. I
know that if I reach down to my right and grab the little wheel beside the throttles, I can trim the plane's pitch without having to look down from the instruments to locate a control that is not phsyically there.
And let's not forget that the view out of the windows is far away enough to make "3D" a waste of time...
And this applies to rides as well. The brain is not easily fooled, and pixels alone will never convice us that they are real. Take Star Tours for example. You are sitting in a physical space ship, and the fakery is limited to the forward view. This compromise helps, as at least there is
something real to see. I've not done the newer version with 3D CGI, but I suspect that what it gains in depth, it looses in realism, as we all know that CGI will never top physical model work. But that's another debate....
Galactica (winding it back to where we started!) failed to impress me in almost every way. I'll admit I have not done any other VR coasters, however.
On the other hand, I found DBGT (mark 2) to be pretty damn good. I'm still not sure why. The goggles seemed to have a much higher resolution. But I think it was mostly down to the fact that the virtual train interior seemed to be a perfect match to the real one I saw before I donned the goggles (windows excepted). And I spend enough of my life on the tube that it was all a very familiar environment to be in.
Maybe I just got lucky and had the right seat to match the graphics? I don't know, I only rode it once.
... Despite all this, at no point did I believe that what I was seeing was "real". Impressive, but not real.
So, TLDR: VR is a waste of time.