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Galactica's Future

What would you like to see happen to Galactica?

  • Keep the Galactica Theme

    Votes: 3 1.2%
  • An improved version of air

    Votes: 94 37.8%
  • A new theme to tie in with Nemesis and The Phalanx

    Votes: 134 53.8%
  • Something else

    Votes: 18 7.2%

  • Total voters
Ground surveying equipment- measuring accurate elevation and angles of the ground in the “quad” outside Galactica … is not likely to have anything directly related to the ride. More so a permanent structure in that location. Permanent replacement for the gate entrance?

Also the last few times we’ve been they’ve been photographing that area via drone after hours as well
Ground surveying equipment- measuring accurate elevation and angles of the ground in the “quad” outside Galactica … is not likely to have anything directly related to the ride. More so a permanent structure in that location. Permanent replacement for the gate entrance?

Also the last few times we’ve been they’ve been photographing that area via drone after hours as well

Maybe a flat in the area ?
Digital Dan has posted a video about the surveying equipment being seen. He's pretty convinced that its a sign that Galactica will be going!

From: https://youtu.be/CPO5AuGZwpI?si=5gHOP_0bMdhxQf-f

He's got very clickbaity as of late. It does feel as though the need for constantly fresh content is becoming a bit of a drain on him now that this is his full time gig.

He says nothing's happened to Galactica, but it did get a jet wash (even partly), why bother if it really is going to go?

We've known about the surveying equipment for a while too, I think the photos have even been posted here. It could be that they're going to re-landscape the area, put in some of the stuff from the original Air theme, we do know how John Burton likes to hark back to "the good old days" whilst looking forward.

His final bit of evidence is the "Seek the Truth Logo" which, as others have pointed out, is quite similar to the current portal design.

He then suggests that we'd get a Voltron type clone to replace it, because this is now the new cool thing. Surprised he didn't suggest an RMC Wild Moose.
He's got very clickbaity as of late. It does feel as though the need for constantly fresh content is becoming a bit of a drain on him now that this is his full time gig.

He says nothing's happened to Galactica, but it did get a jet wash (even partly), why bother if it really is going to go?

We've known about the surveying equipment for a while too, I think the photos have even been posted here. It could be that they're going to re-landscape the area, put in some of the stuff from the original Air theme, we do know how John Burton likes to hark back to "the good old days" whilst looking forward.

His final bit of evidence is the "Seek the Truth Logo" which, as others have pointed out, is quite similar to the current portal design.

He then suggests that we'd get a Voltron type clone to replace it, because this is now the new cool thing. Surprised he didn't suggest an RMC Wild Moose.
Totally agree, I watched it with more than a pinch of salt, in fact more like a fistful, I think it is far more likely to be a retheme/refurb that'll tie in with the opening of Project Ocean, just how the Forbidden Valley improvements tied in with Nemesis.
Digital Dan has posted a video about the surveying equipment being seen. He's pretty convinced that its a sign that Galactica will be going!

From: https://youtu.be/CPO5AuGZwpI?si=5gHOP_0bMdhxQf-f

Of the rides which need replacing at Alton, Rita and or/Spinball are above Galacticair for me.

A properly themed station, and a new “sandstone” queue line building which pulls the entrance to underneath the turnaround that has a rolling pre-show supported by tunnel improvements and some bits of theming/water in the queue line, would happily give this ride another 10 years and justify the upcoming required control system upgrades.
They’ve been photographing the area via drone as well. But not the ride area - just the area infront where those surveying cameras are
Looks like a Leica P40 they're using, combo of a scanning and a total station. Big point clouds of data plus imaging means they're looking at asbuilt most likely rather than a blank slate. I would wager we are going to see a retheme with potentially a large theming item.
Those things are used for everything, I see them being used on London streets all the time.
Assuming a total replacement based on them is a massive leap.
Indeed, they’ve been out on my crumbling street road multiple times over the past few months - seen no action!
Those things are used for everything, I see them being used on London streets all the time.
Assuming a total replacement based on them is a massive leap.

There's multiple types though. You probably see a standard total station whereas this unit is specifically a scanning station which allows a more detailed 3D recreation of what is there to be created. This would lean more heavily for a retheme or them working on something for that plaza.
Of the rides which need replacing at Alton, Rita and or/Spinball are above Galacticair for me.

A properly themed station, and a new “sandstone” queue line building which pulls the entrance to underneath the turnaround that has a rolling pre-show supported by tunnel improvements and some bits of theming/water in the queue line, would happily give this ride another 10 years and justify the upcoming required control system upgrades.
swear most of digitaldan content is discussions and rumours that are off this forum anyway..
After visiting at the weekend and getting to the galatica entrance from the hotels at 920 and having to wait around 30 mins to get in (checking bags of hotel guests with only 2 security guards and noone actuallt checking my ‘day 2 tickets’) it got me thinking: I think it could just be towers shuffling round and refurbing this area for entrants… and/or making the rollercoaster restaurant bigger. The RR is popular and probably needs it. I do think they will do a slight re theme of galatica, a la nemesis: reborn, but not to the same extent or budget. I reckon it will just mainly be ensuring that making entering and exiting the park from that area, a bit more organised (and speedier). Whilst at the same time increasing profits at RR if they improve capacity.
After visiting at the weekend and getting to the galatica entrance from the hotels at 920 and having to wait around 30 mins to get in (checking bags of hotel guests with only 2 security guards and noone actuallt checking my ‘day 2 tickets’) it got me thinking: I think it could just be towers shuffling round and refurbing this area for entrants… and/or making the rollercoaster restaurant bigger. The RR is popular and probably needs it. I do think they will do a slight re theme of galatica, a la nemesis: reborn, but not to the same extent or budget. I reckon it will just mainly be ensuring that making entering and exiting the park from that area, a bit more organised (and speedier). Whilst at the same time increasing profits at RR if they improve capacity.

Possibly. But if you are going to invest in a perm entrance just to then demolish everything next to it in a few years that seems pointless. May as well do it all in one go.

In my view, it’s theme related or for an additional flat.
I struggle to see where a flat ride could fit in that area though. Maybe if they expanded Galacticas area, but as of now there just seems to be so little space for a proper flat. My money is on theming (whatever you consider to be theming by Merlin anyway *looks at Black paint buckets and spare ship containers*).

To be honest, I'm more surprised a lot people still want to see the ride integrated into the new Forbidden Valley over a new, original theme or air 2.0. I'm very skeptical if they do, I don't see a theme related to Nemesis or the Phalanx fitting in with how intentionally relaxing the ride is, and with the mixed reception on Forbidden Valleys new look and theme, do people still want Galactica to get the same treatment? Not to mention the roller coaster restaurant is next door, so having that painted black and covered with either tendrils or made to look more military-like, heck, even a protestor theme wouldn't exactly make a big and popular restaurant look appealing to eat in anymore personally.

I have a feeling that a lot of people only want Galactica integrated into Forbidden Valley for the sake of it to compliment Nemesis and Sub tetras Themes and to expand on the Nemesis "lore" instead of a theme that would actually still benefit Galactica and improve the ride experience and still compliment it.