Meanwhile, the track is now complete, and there are a load of frankly bonkers promotional videos on the mini site to:
It looks like they gave the job of writing the back story to Steven Moffat.
Needlessly complicated plot, lots of questionable science and technobabble, moments of character bonding that no one really wants or cares about, tenuous paranormal explanations for real world objects. It's like a bad episode of Doctor Who.
Honestly, I couldn't even make it through two of those videos. Watching two people sitting in a room talking at length about contrived, clearly made up nonsense is just boring. Surely teaser videos should be short, leaving the viewer asking questions rather than bombarding them with information.
I think my favourite part was when they tried to pass off the show tent off as a mysterious "elliptical structure" that had just been excavated.
It's a problem because it "devalues" the original brand somewhat and it shows a lack of creativity from the 'creative' folk at Merlin. Of course I will wait until the finished product until I pass final judgement on the theme. I just pray it is not called Oblivion.
Would be interested to see the opinion on here if SW8 turned out to be a slightly modified version (theme and ride system) of Raptor. Somehow I don't think it would go down well!
I don't think I'd be as bothered if Oblivion wasn't so iconically associated with Alton Towers as a theme park. I get why they may be doing it from a business sense, but I just think they can do better than re-use their own themes.
Would be interested to see the opinion on here if SW8 turned out to be a slightly modified version (theme and ride system) of Raptor. Somehow I don't think it would go down well!