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Hex: The Future

I would like to think that the original projector would be broken beyond repair after so long sitting unused. The first time they power it up, it'll short out and start smoking from all the invertibrates that will have made it their home during the downtime!
Anyone who still thinks Hex will open this year needs to take a big swig from the reality jug.
I always take things with a pinch of salt unless they are official announcements of course (and even then... I take those with at least a few grains of salt!) however, I have heard that they are aiming to get it open for next month. Who knows! Feels a bit late this season really.

Whatever happens, I hope it only reopens when 100% ready, no temp fixes, so we can look forward to it returning reliably rather than a random drip-feed of sparse availability or even just a one-off.
If they do open it in October (and it doesn't break straight away!), could we see it being added to the Christmas lineup? That would make opening it this late on the season a bit less pointless, and another indoor attraction for the winter season would make sense.
Just a thought, maybe the plan all along was to open it for 1 or 2 days at the end of the season…that way we can’t say they lied but bought themselves months more time..
If they do open it in October (and it doesn't break straight away!), could we see it being added to the Christmas lineup? That would make opening it this late on the season a bit less pointless, and another indoor attraction for the winter season would make sense.

No I am certain it will be closed for winter.
They did say they were planning to open it for Autumn, which we have only just gone into. But that statement alone suggests to me they have struggled to get the thing repaired if they can't get it open before the very end of the season.

At this point, just as likely it won't open I think.
They did say they were planning to open it for Autumn, which we have only just gone into. But that statement alone suggests to me they have struggled to get the thing repaired if they can't get it open before the very end of the season.

At this point, just as likely it won't open I think.
Technically, if we're being pedantic, it's not strictly autumn yet either. Autumn starts on the equinox, which this year will be on Sunday 22nd September.
Technically, if we're being pedantic, it's not strictly autumn yet either. Autumn starts on the equinox, which this year will be on Sunday 22nd September.

If we are being even more pedantic that refers to the astronomical calender / autumn. The meteorological autumn, which alot of people follow, starts September 1st.

Personally I've aways found the metorlogical seasons to make more sense. The earth rotates around the sun and tiltes on its axis pretty evenly over a year, so it makes sense to split the seasons up into equal 3 month periods.

That's a discussion for another topic though.
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If we are being even more pedantic that refers to the astronomical calender / autumn. The meteorological autumn, which alot of people follow, starts September 1st.

Personally I've aways found the metorlogical seasons to make more sense. The earth rotates around the sun and tiltes on its axis pretty evenly over a year, so it makes sense to split the seasons up into equal 3 month periods.

That's a discussion for another topic though.
The astronomical calendar is the one which is based on the tilting of the Earth's axis, in relation to its orbit around the Sun. The moment we pass an equinox, or a solstice, a new season is considered to have started because our tilt has passed a milestone (either the mid point, or the maximum tilt).

The meteorological seasons simply splits the Gregorian calendar into four equal 3 month periods nearish to the equinox, but not based on the earth's rotation around the sun, for analysis with previous years.

The astronomical calendar is the one which is based on the tilting of the Earth's axis, in relation to its orbit around the Sun.

The meteorological seasons simply splits the Gregorian calendar into four equal 3 month periods nearish to the equinox, but not based on the earth's rotation around the sun, for analysis with previous years.

So it is,

You mean to tell me I've been doing it wrong ALL this time?!

Well I guess we have no way of knowing which Autumn Bianca referred to when she stated the ride is coming back in Autumn, anywhere from Sept 1st is fair game.
If we are being even more pedantic that refers to the astronomical calender / autumn. The meteorological autumn, which alot of people follow, starts September 1st.

Personally I've aways found the metorlogical seasons to make more sense. The earth rotates around the sun and tiltes on its axis pretty evenly over a year, so it makes sense to split the seasons up into equal 3 month periods.

That's a discussion for another topic though.
How dare you beat me to pedantry before I can get my own semantic pedantics in here.
There are many versions of the start of autumn, there is no real specific date, so there.
What with all this bloody climate change...just pick whatever bloody months you want now.
We have had several very long autumn seasons that have then jumped to spring a few weeks later.
I go off the smell in the air, the first leaves falling, and the sudden desperate search for firewood lumps, tinder and kindling.
Autumn started last weekend, together with long trousers outside and long sleeved tees.

Back to hex...can we start a vote on which will open first, hex or skyride?
I think at this point it could be Skyride that opens first. I hope not, there's something mysterious about riding Hex in the autumn months, adds to the ambiance. I hope it opens first and this year. But we will see.
One thing that makes me think it might not open this season is that they can market the 'return' of Hex as a reason for people to visit for the start of next season. Why bother rushing it out for the last few weeks of this season? Unless they do market the re-opening for Scarefest, in which case ignore everything I've just said :innocent: