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Hex: The Future

There’s a rumour on X that Hex has been handed to the rides team a week early, lining up with a potential opening on 11th October

If that were the case, you’d see a lot more activity and noise. The rides team would be utilising the whole building for training purposes, where as the technical services team would only be based back of house where the ride building is.

I’d take that with a pinch of salt.
Starting to get a bit squeaky-bum about Hex now. There’s only 6 weeks left of the main season, and I assume they would want to give 1-2 weeks notice of it reopening to allow people to book tickets.

I’m starting to wonder if they see any point in opening Hex at all just for the sake of 4 or 5 weeks, and that’s if they announce its reopening in the next couple of days.
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to be fair what are they going to say that their ride is now opening again, not too much of a good look
Hmm, but not only did Hex get a mention in the 2024 season promo video, the park also released the update video a couple of months or so ago, so I doubt it would just open without some sort of fanfare. They’ve clearly spent a lot of money on the ride so will want to market it, but I fear it’ll very quickly be too late in the season to do that for 2024.
The specific staff members maybe not, but the budget to run the ride, could well be.

The demand for an indoor ride in Oct/Nov is likely greater than the Rapids so in a season where every penny is being counted it would make sense to save the cash on running the Rapids if Hex can replace the lost capacity.

Obviously both rides being open should be the standard.