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Looking at the discolour and the ageing of the moss…..
At sod it …. It’s never been cleaned. Merlin don’t know how to clean.

I’m taking my pressure washer next time with me. Someone want to volunteer to wheel a large barrel of water around, and a generator?
It was repainted in 2013, again in 2017 and I think it was pressure washed again not too long ago. The problem is you’ve got mature trees around it spreading stuff around, a (presumably) untreated water supply and a structure of older porous wood where moss and algae spores have long since penetrated it. That wood being opened up is also being helped along the rare times it’s been blasted by a pressure washer. It’s the same issue with moss covered paving that often looks worse way quicker after it’s pressure washed. Unless the whole thing is actually properly treated, painted and upkeep maintained afterwards with further regular treatment and cleaning it’s just going to look even worse each time.

It’s sadly the same sort of thing we see in the theme park. Stuff that looks great at first like CBeebies, which quickly needs to be redone because it’s rotted away and hasn’t been sufficiently weather proofed. It all comes down to budget of course, short term thinking to get things looking better without any longer term thought about the improvement holding up over time.
I hate to say it...again...algon, 2.5 litres for around eight quid, would treat that whole thing...for a whole year, after jetwashing.
One person, one hour...twice a year.
Not rocket science, quick, cheap, effective.
And thats from an old git part timer with zero gardening qualifications, they will have a proper qualified pro around somewhere.