TS Member
The only way we will see the park been built
Yes hopefully this brings this whole silly idea to a close. I’d love to see a new park built in this country however it won’t ever happen on the scale London Resort was proposing. I think if it were to happen it would more than likely be a conversation of a current leisure attraction into a park.The Planning Inspectorate has today written to the London Resort advising it has turned down their request to delay examination until July. All documents that London Resort were wanting to update must now be submitted by 15th March.
The Planning Inspectorate have basically said they either submit the documents before then or they’ll go with what they currently have in front of them. They do not see sufficient progress from London Resort to even see that they could make the July date at present. They suggest London Resort could withdraw the application should they not be able to make the March date, but they cannot compel them to do so.
Based on all of the responses and lack of progress, this seems like the most sensible decision to me. This thing has dragged on for way too long.
Yes hopefully this brings this whole silly idea to a close. I’d love to see a new park built in this country however it won’t ever happen on the scale London Resort was proposing. I think if it were to happen it would more than likely be a conversation of a current leisure attraction into a park.
Yes I think London Resort holdings have proven themselves incapable of managing to build the park in consultation with local people and planners. I think eventually we will see a new park in this country as so many parks have closed there definitely us a gap for another park (I wonder if we should make a thread about what sort of possible new park at some point).I agree, I'd love to see one too. But, companies wanting to do so have to be realistic in that it's an absolutely monumental task to do so and incredibly risky. It also shows just how essential it is to have local communities and businesses on side and communicated with effectively throughout.
As much as I still believe London Resort had the best of intentions in wanting to build the resort, they have shown a complete lack of respect for stakeholders in the local area, and to consultees who have had to spend substantial amounts obtaining professional advice with very little to no compensation for doing so. That's right from individuals, already struggling small businesses, right up to public bodies who have already had to deal with shrinking budgets in recent years.
It's absolutely essential to keep your neighbours onside throughout any planning application, even more so for a project of this size.
Another huge nail in the coffin for this project. There can't be much space in that coffin, with all the nails going through it.This thing is pretty dead in the water anyway, so news like this is hardly a surprise, but in the interests of completeness - BBC & ITV have confirmed they are no longer involved in licensing agreements with London Resort.
BBC and ITV withdraw from London Resort plans over threat posed to wildlife
The BBC and ITV have withdrawn involvement with a £3.5billion theme park project in Swanscombe due to the threat it poses
I reckon we put @Matt N in charge of a new theme park for Briton, call it optimism land, the country would feel revived, or at least I would.It's been an absolute shambles from the off. I reckon the finest on this forum would have made a better effort of it which says everything.
Back to hoping Merlin improve it is.
Perhaps my current Planet Coaster pet project, Sinister Springs (which on a side note, I am quite close to finishing the first area of!), probably wouldn’t be the best idea to apply to a UK park, then? If I were designing for the UK, I’d definitely concoct something a bit cheerier, as I think Merlin has horror pretty well covered already…I reckon we put @Matt N in charge of a new theme park for Briton, call it optimism land, the country would feel revived, or at least I would.
Got to keep those investors happyApparently they're going to resubmit a modified planning application for the London Resort sometime in the Autumn.
Come on Matt you know better than to post without sourcesOfficial statement to come in due course this morning, but the London Resort is officially dead, planning application will be withdrawn.
But the story didn't end there
Apparently they're going to resubmit a modified planning application for the London Resort sometime in the Autumn.
Because of course this is one of those things that never ends, it just goes on and on and on and onand on and on and on....
Come on Matt you know better than to post without sources. This has come from a local councillor who heads up the Save Swanscombe Peninsular SSSI Group.