It's far more than just Merlin kicking off at present as well. For people who can't be arsed to read the 617 (yes, six hundred and seventeen!) documents relating to this whole thing, and because I'm a glutton for punishment, let me give you a rundown of where things are at the moment and point out the important bits. I intended this to be short and sweet, but seems it went on a little more than I thought, but anyway it'll give those interested a general overview:
- We're still currently awaiting for full examination of the plans. London Resort asked for additional time to submit further documents, and at present there was an expectation to assess the application in March.
- London Resort have asked for further time for this documentation off the back of the SSSI designation by Natural England. They then expect assessment of the application a few months later than planned in July/August 2022.
- The Planning Inspectorate wrote to London Resort in December asking why London Resort have barely corresponded with them, why they have barely provided any information on how they intend to respond to the site being designated as a SSSI, and why they haven't had 4 weekly progress reports since September 2021 as promised. They then finish by asking why they should extend the deadline considering the lack of progress made.
A shed load of
additional submissions were accepted following this letter and published on 12th January. As much as we joke about this mess of a project, some of those submissions really do highlight just how much businesses in the area have been hit by this mess. Companies who don't want to spend money expanding in the current area, can't mortgage their current buildings to finance such expansion or can't move as their existing location is unsellable. It goes right through to businesses which have
already had to close because of the uncertainty and inability to secure financing.
Merlin's initial response is in there too, again pointing out that any further extension is not appropriate.
London Resort
responded to the letter from the Planning Inspectorate on the 14th January, babbling on about Build Back Better and economic benefit, along with Covid 19 impacting the speed of getting stuff submitted.
Further responses to their letter were published on 26th January, which had some interesting points:
National Highways has submitted a further response advising they now have doubts about the resort's transport assessment. This is because the 2500 space car park in Tilbury looks unlikely. This is because the Port of Tilbury has been designated as a freeport site, and they have expansion plans of their own. They also refer to a submission made by the port pointing out that they've
barely heard from London Resort too.
Bean Residents Association has an interesting letter which also raises some concerning points:
- KEHC Ltd along with London Resort accounts were due at the end of December 2021 but have so far not been submitted.
- Bidmans LLP, the firm assisting with the application had to chase for fees in October 2021, to the point where a case was submitted to the High Court. I can't seem to find the case number now, so it might now be resolved, but still, the fact it had to go right up to the High Court should worry people
- They've also pointed out the difficulty that companies are facing obtaining appropriate costs for having to seek professional advice. For example Ebbsfleet Development Corporation have struggled to obtain costs from London Resort.
Finally, one interesting thing I saw in one of the responses
was reference to a £5 million Covid loan. Having a dig around, this was something that was confirmed at a
Community Liaison meeting in November 2020 when there was a request for comment.
AJ - Bean Residents Association, AM - Andy Martin from London Resort)
The loan must be matched the equivalent or greater amount in private funding. So there is now at least £5 million in public money put into this scheme, on top of all the costs incurred by public bodies throughout this whole process...