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Monorail Refurbishment

Merlin reading this thread right now…
Season 9 Idea GIF by The Simpsons
On a long list of problems for management to deal with. Only so much money to spread around.

Money or effort?

Would it look like this at Europa Park? Efteling? Paultons or Phantasialand?

It’s not a priority because that’s where their standards are currently.

Like a bad premier inn. It’s a low bar.

Don’t they have an assistant senior vice president of paper clips and product excellence and guest experience that should be concerned with stuff like this? Or is this like the short lived TLC projects (that were awful) , or yourday or box office (with no shows) or guest info booths or some other flash in the pan crap idea instead of getting the basics right,
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It would not surprise me, as general filth is a clear hazard to health (old British Rail case law I believe), and Merlin are providing a paid service, that a vigilant member of their social media monitoring staff might actually take note... and the (very few) trains in service might get a scrub up, at least on the inside, in the next few days.

Hazards to health are criminally liable in maintained places the public use.
Filthy is as filthy does, as my old care inspectors used to say.
Filthy Merlin.
(very few) trains in service
actually quite a few of the trains have run this season, they only run 2 or 3 because there isn't much point adding more as they always stack at the load platform because guests have to wait for the train to stop before they can be let onto the station platform, this makes dispatches like 3-4 mins as such the train behind just stacks, they really need to add air gates, it is quite common to see like 2/3 trains stacked over the enterance when leaving the park waiting for the one in the station to leave.

Edit, I wonder if merlin adopted IROC training standard that caused this, part of it essentially says that all staff and guests must be in a safe zone in the platform (it has caused problems for cedar point reducing their capacity as they did adopt it)
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Very few trains in service, full stop.
Doesn't matter how many actually get rotated.
They used to run at least five trains, one loading at each station, two travelling, and one waiting.
The matter isn't the frequency of the trains, which are appalling compared to the past anyway...but the filth within the trains, which are also in an appalling condition compared to the past, but legally must be reasonably healthy to ride in.
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If a full/complete monorail refurb was on the cards, I feel like a slight route alteration would massively improve Katanga Canyon.

The relatively recent path under Wicker Man over to Curse appears to be part of Katanga Canyon, even though there is no direct link to the main part of it. I'm making this assumption based on the fact that the Jeep up there is themed to KC.

It really should be linked up via a path somehow so if the monorail could veer towards the right instead of the left (travelling towards the park), just after it has passed infront of Curse, then it could go over the Mine Train tunnel and then turn left to realign itselt with the existing route.

This would pull that section out of the park, allowing for Katanga to all be reunited in some form. Don;t have any ideas on how, but i'm sure people can think of some. Would just make the whole area feel better, and better connected to the rest of the park as well.

What do you think? - I am ignoring costs here by the way!
I've said for years, despite the conditions the trains may be in mechanically, get them disgusting vinyls off the windows at least, jet wash the interiors.

The removal of the vinyls which should never have been stuck on in the first place would help a small bit to not only bring the magic back as you enter forbidden valley yet to add a tiny bit of cleanliness to the cabins..
Nice sharp stanley knife blade on a stiff stick, or a special drill wheel.
They make special ones, two minute job per window.
Just needs someone to make the decision and take the effort.
Not a massive job for a big company.
If they want a wrap the trains then a design the incorporates the windows would be good.
Like making them look like a picture frame, or haunted house windows for a curse themed or cbeebies windows for cbeebies theming.

If they want to push the boat out, theme the inside to match the outside during retheme of the train.
IPA and Label Remover when the sticky has welded itself to the train. Ideally they should be fully refurbished including a bare metal repaint.
The issue is the windows were scratched to hell before the vinyls where applied, I think it was one of the main reasons they went with the vinyls in the 1st place. So it won’t look any better.

They would need to replace all the windows for it to look presentable.
If they took the vinyls off those windows the window would come with it.

As much as I like the current monorail system, nostalgia and all, I think it's past repair (the trains themselves anyway). I think it would nearly cost as much to fully refurb the trains with new parts etc than it would to buy new ones / have new made.