How we experience and enjoy rides is clearly subjective and a matter of personal perspective, but let's not get too carried away here.
If we're using a POV to come to the conclusion that the new rattle was somehow present in its current form on old Nemesis, then surely the same can be applied to the intensity? A side by side clearly shows almost no difference in speed, if anything the older version reaches the brakes fractionally faster, on a layout where the profiles are identical. So therefore it can't really be possible to say that it's "definitely more intense" than it was before. Some may perceive it is so for various reasons. Granted I haven't ridden it in a few weeks, but the first half felt almost identical to how it did before, only quieter and without slight jolts. I'm willing to bet that the forces, were they to be measured, are almost identical to how they've always been.
I've ridden Nemesis more than any coaster on park, multiple times per season, almost every year for 28 years. I'm not deaf, and am perfectly capable of hearing rattling noises occurring just a foot above my head, roar or not, especially on one of the quieter parts of the layout. The rattling of the new version was not like that before. You would hear some, the odd knock and rattle here and there, but not like that and definitely no light vibrations of that nature. It's perfectly plausible that it may have improved in the month since I last rode it, but the louder sound on the running rails did not mask something that was simply not there before.