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Nemesis: Sub-Terra

Perhaps the size of people is increasing. Although I am not sure what the issue was a former member of staff claimed the reason was someone was able to wriggle out of the restraints so it was altered for that reason.

I always thought it was closed for cost related reasons rather than safety.
There was absolutely a serious incident at a different Merlin site with a similar ride mechanism during this timeframe which led to retraining, assessing restraints, added procedures (including updates to CCTV monitoring) which could be what said staff member was referring to or there may well have been a separate incident at N:ST! Even so, I would probably lean to cost-related issues. During 2015/2016 considerable cuts were made across the board for Merlin; large redundancies to middle management & operational changes to attractions (including closures) were some cuts to save on costs.
TT have a detailed article on their site including a look at each element of the ride. I prefer the lighting look in the chamber, but can only currently compare pictures of the new bits to my last ride on it in 2015. Walls in the exit scene look incredibly basic. They also allude to the fact that more ST merch is on the way.
Also, are there still actors behind cages before the decontamination part? TT mention 3 actors (but number varied) but I can't work out if they mean inside the cages or not.
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Did N:ST today for the first time this season. Was as enjoyable as ever.

I think it’s a genuinely underrated ride but I also agree it lacks in some areas, and has the potential to be really really good.

Not sure what the long term plan is for it, but currently the ending feels a bit cheap and simple? Just some white walls with a TV screen in. On my run through there was just two actors in that end bit not really attempting to scare anyone but just shining a torch in your face.

Feels like this part needs extending and to have the infected actors from the previous version brought back, or at least some animatronic to create a decent final scare. At the moment it feels almost temporary, I wonder if more things are coming for it?

Also it’s a shame the staff in the queue are no longer in character as phlanax workers, instead they’re just in costume as normal staff. Kind of ruined the immersion when before you go in the staff member says ‘is everyone okay with strobe lights, actors etc?’ lol

Other than that it’s a solid filler attraction and I think everyone knows where it can improve
The ending is definitely far worse than when the ride shut in 2015 and that didn’t have actors then, but it still had the loud bangs, air cannons, smoke, loud noises etc. now it’s just a white room with a staff member shining a torch in your face. It’s definitely worse than before for the finale.

The rest of the ride is the same as before, except the restraint issues which very few people would have experienced as they were added only weeks before the ride shut.
Whilst the ending may feel temporary, I guess you could say it almost feels permanent as well? Decontamination section that kind of fits which being decontaminated from infection whilst requiring less actors than before operationally
I don’t think it actually has less actors than previously, as you often only got 2 sometimes 3, as they never came down the final bit of the containers anyway, as that’s where you used to have to duck under than material and stuff. I just feel the actors don’t really do much compared to previously where they had blood all over their faces and would really go at you. The ones on opening day just kinda stood there with a torch, could have easily have been ride hosts for all I knew.
Yep it’s not a case of a lack of actors, it’s a case of what those actors are doing/being told to do.

Makes little sense to me financially to be having 2 actors in that finale who literally just direct people where to go and shine a torch. Previously they would be infected and zombie like and really go for it, absolutely no reason this can’t happen again?
I rode it today as someone who wasn’t an enthusiast when sub-terra was around so I didn’t ride it.

I see no real fault with it other than the queue time hand cause it the excessively long loading times due to the restraint issues. Surely it’s not sustainable, having those loading times and it’s very restrictive.

The drop tower experience itself is perfect, from what I gather is that the 2015 version of the ride had a big finale with the scare maze ending. This lacks that, however rthe experience is now focused on the ride portion itself which is very unique combined with the sets, effects and other riders reactions.

With the right queue time it’s a perfect attraction. It should have 20-30 min queues and then it’s doing its job. Waiting 60 mins and it’s the same as waiting for a flat ride. Disappointing.
TBF regarding the weight times, it is (perhaps Galactica too) carrying Forbidden Valley on its back in a role that is perhaps not suitable for it at this moment in time with Nemesis gone.

Only when Nemesis reopens next year in which it'll be the big draw as the main attraction in the area in which it'll take a lot of the pressure off Sub Terra to the point where it'll likely have a 30-40 minute weight time as what it is intended for. Who knows, maybe the ride team will figure out a way how to work the restraints in a better manner by then or maybe reinstate the original restraints if they are somehow still in storage (unlikely) as I do wonder if H&S is still wanting those restraints in place or if they have relaxed a bit since then?
TBF regarding the weight times, it is (perhaps Galactica too) carrying Forbidden Valley on its back in a role that is perhaps not suitable for it at this moment in time with Nemesis gone.

Only when Nemesis reopens next year in which it'll be the big draw as the main attraction in the area in which it'll take a lot of the pressure off Sub Terra to the point where it'll likely have a 30-40 minute weight time as what it is intended for. Who knows, maybe the ride team will figure out a way how to work the restraints in a better manner by then or maybe reinstate the original restraints if they are somehow still in storage (unlikely) as I do wonder if H&S is still wanting those restraints in place or if they have relaxed a bit since then?
Hell will freeze over twice before HSE relax their rules.
Seemed to have done in some regards if Congo River Rapids' waterfalls are anything to go by.
As far as I can tell, they never actually prohibited them. They just stated that their existence could cause riders to stand up, and parks took that as turn them off. In fairness, at the time, that probably wasn't the worst decision they could have made, the HSE report makes it seem as though they would rather all rapids were closed and banned. I'd take no waterfalls over no rapids. But veering back to topic, the change in restraints was caused by a major accident directly linked to a fault in the restraint design. This will have been explicitly banned, and the ride wont use the original restraints again, although thats not stopping them from using another design.
They’ve got to try and do something to make it rideable for more people, as it sounds like even just slightly larger people are missing out on it despite having no issues with any other rides on park (even Spinball/Funk’n’Fly which are both quite restrictive). At least that’s what I gather from a discussion taking place on a Facebook group I’m in anyway.
HSE do not make rules. They enforce legal compliance, and issue guidance to help users comply with the law.

People need to be safely restrained. It's up to Alton Towers to own the restraint issue and mitigate/rectify, or accept the hassle it is seemingly causing right now (maybe they have accepted it?).
As far as I am aware, Alton Towers are aware of this issue and are seeking to rectify it. However, there will no doubt be cost/time implications to resolve it, so we'll see.

This issue was there the last time the ride opened, mind you, so it should have been dealt with before it re-opened.
I certainly remember the restraint issue being a big discussion point in 2015. Even before the cuts came into effect people were suggesting the ride should be closed until the situation was resolved, as like we are seeing now the throughput was significantly reduced. Not to mention it must really spoil the experience to have to leave part way through. It'd be like doing the pre-shows for Hex and then taken outside and shown how the ride isn't inside the towers.
It's really surprising this wasn't adjusted before reopening the ride. And worryingly I can't see them getting another opportunity to fix this. Having already invested in getting the ride back open I don't imagine they'd invest any more in the ride for some time. The cost to replace the restarints could have been allowed for as part of the cost to bring the ride back.
As far as I am aware, Alton Towers are aware of this issue and are seeking to rectify it. However, there will no doubt be cost/time implications to resolve it, so we'll see.

This issue was there the last time the ride opened, mind you, so it should have been dealt with before it re-opened.
The ride should have been made fully functioning before reopening...there was plenty of time for remedial action in the many years it was closed.
Only "Muppets in Management" would reopen a clearly flawed product without suitable repairs.
Sounds like paying customers are needlessly being forced into an embarrassing walk of shame because of incompetence.
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