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Nemesis: Sub-Terra

I’m not saying it will, but I’m not sure why the reason that it’s not been announced yet leads to the conclusion jumping that it won’t open on March 18. It might not, but I don’t think it can be conclusively ruled out. Work has been happening on it for months.
Pretty sure all the marketing focus is on TCaAT so this is literally a footnote if it is due to re-open.

Understandable. Especially when they might not want to draw too much attention to a distinct lack of proper Nemesis.
My gut feeling is Sub-Terra reopening will be linked into the marketing for Nemesis. So it will effectively form the first part of telling the public Nemesis is reopening.

That way they can market the reopening using some of the marketing budget for Nemesis.
My gut feeling is Sub-Terra reopening will be linked into the marketing for Nemesis. So it will effectively form the first part of telling the public Nemesis is reopening.

That way they can market the reopening using some of the marketing budget for Nemesis.

I have always thought this is what they would do.

With Alton Manor being their 'new' attraction.......maybe they will open NST for Easter or just after.
I have always thought this is what they would do.

With Alton Manor being their 'new' attraction.......maybe they will open NST for Easter or just after.

If it’s ready it will open in March but it will be used to market Nemesis, so some social media stuff might occur just before opening.
To be honest with this potential dark ride and The Curse At Alton Manor I would definitely consider returning too the park after 5 years. I like rollercoasters but dark rides, immersive theming appeal to me more to escape reality. Both projects get me really excited and I’m so intrigued to experience them both.

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The lack of marketing suggests one of 2 things to me:
1. Sub-Terra isn't actually reopening (at least any time soon). Clearly work is going on but that could be for a planned use of the space later on in the season that is just more convenient to setup now.
2. The ride does reopen but is almost identical to how it closed. The length of time it has been closed for is unusual. For an enthusiast 8 years is a very long time. But for some visitors that might of, for example, stopped visiting when they started a family in the early 2010s and now have kids that are old enough to visit themselves, might be visiting without even realising the attraction had closed. I myself last visited in 2014 when Sub-Terra was still open. If the rides going to reopen without changes (and in a year in which another classic attraction is having major changes) it might weaken their marketing strategy to be seen advertising 2 old rides, like they have nothing new.
I'm not sure that we can read too much into the marketing situation just yet.

Last year, the addition of Spinjam wasn't announced until one week before the park opened. If Sub-Terra is coming back, I could well imagine the park view it in the same tier as the Retro Squad, so I'd imagine any announcement will come in the same time period.
Depends how much effort they are putting into Sub-Terra if they will market this or not.
If Sub-Terra is completely overhauled, then there will probably be a decent amount of marketing.
If it is almost exactly the same, except for a slightly updated storyline, then I expect it will probably be in the same tier as the Retro Squad when it comes to announcements.
To be honest with sub terra, to 'update' it, you could get away with just changing the videos before the ride and that would be enough to change the story line.
I think this could be a 6 week holiday opening. Put all the attention on the curse then start with the nemesis reborn story and use this to market the reopening of nemesis
Someone tell me how it makes sense to open an attraction that has been being worked on for literal MONTHS, not at the start of the season in an area already struggling for capacity this season?
Someone tell me how it makes sense to open an attraction that has been being worked on for literal MONTHS, not at the start of the season in an area already struggling for capacity this season?

You're making the fatal mistake in thinking that common sense is applied in such instances.

Also missing the cynical angle where they get to market the Curse for a few months and then market this. Double whammy.
Someone tell me how it makes sense to open an attraction that has been being worked on for literal MONTHS, not at the start of the season in an area already struggling for capacity this season?
Yeah I think a lot of people are forgetting that work has been going on long before the start of closed season. Longer than people think.
You're making the fatal mistake in thinking that common sense is applied in such instances.

Also missing the cynical angle where they get to market the Curse for a few months and then market this. Double whammy.
I understand your point, but if its a new theme then I dont understand why both can't be marketed at the same time. And if it's not a new theme, it probably isn't getting any at all.
Someone tell me how it makes sense to open an attraction that has been being worked on for literal MONTHS, not at the start of the season in an area already struggling for capacity this season?
Maybe it was meant to open at the start of the season but has been delayed for one reason or another. I expect that TCAAM took priority this closed season.
I understand your point, but if its a new theme then I dont understand why both can't be marketed at the same time. And if it's not a new theme, it probably isn't getting any at all.

It's all speculation at this point. It may well reopen on opening day. The park could certainly do with it as you say.

It just doesn't feel like that's the plan.